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Everything posted by Randyy

  1. What game should I buy thats on sale?

    1. Nurse Lou
    2. Randyy


      my cheats are UD on my main so no point

    3. Augustus
  2. all these games you could just torrent and get for free they are all singleplayer except for like 2
  3. @Randyy
  4. anyone wanna 10 man on csgo we have 7 people

  5. 500K lul
  6. worst gang wars so far

  7. let lil bill commentate it will actually make it enjoyable to watch
  8. ?
  9. okay you have to be trolling
  10. no it doesn't you retard I tested it on my nmd server I had a po7 and I one tapped someone in the foot
  11. Old pic you child molester
  12. i have read to many things tonight
  13. ?
  14. why did you add black bars lol
  15. I think @LoGr will win this war by a long shot
  16. Randyy


  17. 78
  18. I just got banned for hacking on escape from tarkov and I never cheated what the fuck and when I put in a support request they just send me a copy and paste message 

    1. DeadPool


      Sounds like Olympus Staff XD. Me and @Tyrone Washington Exploit the fuck out of EFT and we havent gotten banned yet

    2. Randyy


      Yeah exploits dont get banned but I got insta banned from the Anti-Cheat and I think it was because I had virtual box opened with a different OS running on it

      But it had nothing to do with the game

  19. 100 mill for both
  20. holy shit are you fucking retarded
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