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Everything posted by Unjo

  1. Just afk more hours in kav and coin flip
  2. It's a matter of literally copy and pasting
  3. Hiya, recently civ council have decided to open up recommendations for death messages. If anyone is unaware what a death message is, it's a message that sometimes appears at the bottom left of your screen when you die. It looks like this: . I know it's not a massive feature or anything, but if you want to have something funny, or have a favourite quote that you wanna see pop up every now and then, this is the time. Me and fellow civ reps will go through them at some point and make sure they are appropriate as well. Thanks
  4. Congrats @Super_Nova @Winters. DB hostile takeover coming on

  5. Nothing happened in Kavala square 4th June 1989

    1. Evann


      lol those black kids got a lot of money when they got out tho

  6. Gyazo gif needs to be a mandatory thing for taking people to support. Get pulled and they will be like, "Ok bud I'm uploading this 1 hour 4k widescreen clip gimme 3-5 business days"

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. destruct


      45 minutes ago, Caleb Snackbar said:

      Support is useless

      If it can resolve conflicts and keep people civil it's doing it's job.

    3. Ziggyuwu


      it legit takes me 2 hours to upload a 5 minute rdm clp, and thats after compressing it

      some of us have dogshit internet man

    4. Dank MeeMoo

      Dank MeeMoo

      Good thing support is optional and you don’t have to come

  7. @Hadi Mokdad When he is done ban baiting in Kavala


  8. AI looks a bit fucked but looks promising 


  9. Gotta love it when SPD get a free fed because of ping 


    1. Montez


      They're just superior players.

    2. Christoph


      We cannot process this player report due to insufficient evidence. If you feel this is incorrect then feel free to provide more information or request a Senior Admin in a new report so we can then review it. At that point we can then take action if a rule has been broken. Thank you.

  10. Omega lul so edgy
  11. @destruct fixed my house when I gave @Ryan the list and he finna dipped
  12. Omae wa mou shindeiru 600k? It was a beanie truck with 300k worth of moonshine lmao. When I went into the room I open the door and see you. I thought you were afk and then you flick so I shoot.
  13. S T A Y  T H I R S T Y 

  14. What I remember about the rise of the Empire is… is how quiet it was.

  15. @bastro
  16. Gang Gang
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