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Everything posted by Unjo

  1. I assume you are going first
  2. Leave the area and make a comp request when the player report is answered Make sure you have a video of at least 5 minutes.
  3. Reports take time to complete, there are normally many to do and staff are volunteers
  4. https://olympus-entertainment.com/support/ New request Select the right department https://gyazo.com/3de310ba8747a791c8cc260532566888 Then fill out the fields.
  5. News team dead again?


    1. J O E

      J O E

      Nice vlog mate, keep up the great work!

  7. 15
  8. When the plane makes you any means  :Kappa:


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza


      That’s fine to do even without meeting the criteria for Any Means. 

    3. Kamikaze


      55 minutes ago, Dante said:

      There was another plane actually

      that be me

    4. Caleb Snackbar
  9. https://olympus-entertainment.com/support/
  10. Unjo

    WTS | Armed Huron

  11. 1 mil
  12. They need a video. For all they know you could have been crossfired. Staff arent going to take a gamble and ban some dude with little evidence. Always try to upload a video.
  13. Image result for england football team planeIts coming home lads!

    1. Caleb Snackbar

      Caleb Snackbar

      england and soccer are both trash, change my mind

    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Just now, Caleb Snackbar said:



    3. J O E

      J O E

      Your American therefore your morbidly obese, Change my mind

  14. Rp can take you anywhere


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jdominique


      lol my heli was on the roof and after the restart it was there

    3. Skys


      God tier heli pilot that is how

    4. Millennium


      Because Jeremy is a god

  15. Unjo


  16. O7
  17. Still are by the looks of it
  18. You dont get paid enough
  19. Who uses mouse
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