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Everything posted by Unjo

  1. offer
  2. https://gyazo.com/857e5b42266f0c2881557cb56308d220
  3. 50% of GW players in 20 mins

    Image result for library

    1. BENJI



  4. Imagine grinding hundreds of hours just to sit around in an empty jail. Good idea, wrong server.
  5. Gotta love money hungry companies such as Disney
  6. No point sitting in that channel unless you are told to I believe
  7. 10 mil
  8. Unjo

    armed huron

    Never mind, im brain dead
  9. Unjo

    armed huron

  10. Unjo

    armed huron

    Bump it up a little and you may have yourself a deal
  11. Unjo

    armed huron

    How much you offering?
  12. Embrace the hate, nothing like Royal asking you if enjoy your cop rank everyday, gets funny after a while.
  13. Pretty obvious it was coming, cobgrats @hawk

  14. How much did you pay for it 10 mil
  15. How much you looking for
  16. Happy birthday @R^vin :)

    Congrats @DeadPooL, whats your favourite song?

  17. o7
  18.  If vigis were not to restrain me out of the blue when i'm fighting cops that would be great. Stupid that I have to watch my back 24/7 because they wont engage but happily get you when a cop tases you and swoop you out fight. 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Justi


      It should be if a cop tases someone a vigi cant just go up to restrain them and send them to jail they have to get the tase idk tho... 

    3. Nurse Lou

      Nurse Lou

      vigi rmd my friend when we were in kav he was the driver and cops were on us so it fucked us i feel ur pain

    4. KrispyK


      jordan540 told me us cops couldnt take him back when i had this situation

  19. Sold
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