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Everything posted by Unjo

  1. Tase them back and hand them to cops
  2. Didnt know it had a low spawn rate, 14 mil then
  3. Idk what you expect when you want offers of something that has never been sold before?
  4. 8
  5. "Lights, Camera, action!"

    @McDili probably

  6. Soubd manager window popping uo whilst flying a shirka. I crashed at the sound of speed and survived somehow.
  7. Check steam
  8. 4
  9. 3 mil
  10. Joined trident on a bw. 

    Walls were already being knocked down 2 mins after restart

    Still won, 1 person arrestes because he played corp tower

    Wheres the problem?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pledge


      Good question...

    3. SPBojo


      Wait, so what your saying is that the gang who cried about it completed it with walls already down? Y I K E S

    4. destruct


      If you play it right - it honestly feels like a disadvantage from the cop side. If all the walls are knocked down you can be anywhere inside the BW and just go ahead and shoot the cops with no walls blocking your view. IDK what to think about knocking down walls.

  11. Because they are new and don't have a set price, ill offer 8 mil starting value.
  12. Am I blind or is the apd dispatch broken? Cant find where people are texting in from.

    1. Jester


      Nope it’s for everyone

  13. Medics need to be able to deny people if all the medics online are taken hostage

    1. Reckless


      had this happen to me on medic a few days ago maybe changing the number of medics online number to the amount of medics unrestrained would help people understand why we cant get to them.

  14. I was told by an admin not to do it again or I will be punished for exploiting.
  15. Has the civ rep meeting started?

  16. There needs to be more reminders about this civ rep meeting.

    Seriously when is it????

    1. Google


      Dude, are you a mong? LIKE I'VE BEEN REMINDING PEOPLE!

      Civ Meeting saturday (5-12-2018 | today) @ 5 PM Eastern Time

  17. cooked
  18. 13 mil
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