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Everything posted by Mighty

  1. Taylor Swift is Queen. Thanks everyone for the bd wishes and HBD @ Bubbaloo Burrito


  2. Fuck I want arma 4


  3. Congrats @ TapTap  on Senior Design Contributor! 😘

    1. ZeRo


      Design Contributor+ actually lmfao

    2. Mighty


      Na na na @ TapTap is Senior Design Contributor in my heart. He is now more superior then any other contributor!

  4. Mighty

    l8r sk8r

    You best not disappear
  5. @ Zahzi Add a tracker on the stats page to show when you can use your airdrop.

  6. This clearly shows @ jig jumping out to let his friends get away. Confirmed apd is biased #punishjig
  7. Later bitch is still hands down the best Olympus video. Change my mind.
  8. Yea the van got nerfed hard a long time ago. My friends and I used to roll 8 deep in a van and would drop on lonely POs. Easy tasers no one expected 8 people in one van
  9. Anyone have an ultrawide? Need help with running arma at 16:9.

    1. Xlax


      Is it not automatically switching to the correct aspect ratio? I had an ultrawide for years and never had any issues with it or had to do any extra configuration.

    2. Lucien


      Jsyk 16:9 isn't ultrawide aspect ratio that's just normal widescreen, might be part of your problem

  10. Thank you for my new R&R hot dog
  11. https://olympus-entertainment.com/staff/
  12. Don’t worry I submitted a report. Can’t let these thief’s get away with this.
  13. I can’t believe i thought it would be a good idea to open the banning of tarquanda thread again while at work.

  14. Just opened this weird ass cartoon porn at work. I vote to perm ban this man.
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