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    : @_OfficialPlague

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  1. now i see why this server dead 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. -dante-


      Yet you keep coming to the forums. Interesting. 

    3. Vcx


      Yeah server is dead 10 oclock at night 330 people in total on the servers...… gang life is dead not the servers 

    4. Unjo


      Didnt I kill you at mush pro just for you to go back and ask the guy taking your truck not to kill you in a red zone and reclaim your truck whilst breaking nlr? :hmm:

  2. is Olympus dying still or is it active with fights everyday?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. proud


      Boy I'm coming back by this weekend and I'm bouta bring it to life, serenity gonna be popping so civs and cops better be ready

    3. Vcx
    4. N7Zero


      if u like quilin pushes from retarded gangs then its alive. if ur expecting ifrits then cy@

  3. Is it worth coming back?

  4. rest in peace. I know youre in a better place now man.
  5. Bucko

    Im out

    shit league player
  6. Finally that toxic kid is out of the chief position lls

  7. Congrats @ikeem on corporal

  8. its 2017 almost 2018 we need to be more accepting
  9. Shoutout the only cool staff member that isn’t power struck and definitely most productive happy bday @Jesse

  10. Lol got a 14 day fml 

  11. welcome @Kurt
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