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LULA 2022 - PT 13

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Everything posted by LULA 2022 - PT 13

  1. What you did good; you seem to have line arrangement down Simple color scheme What you did bad; Too "Cartoony" specifically the font. In a grey car I'd say you should use white text or a complementary color that stands out instead of black, you type also has the pt value at or above one, if you're going to color both the fill and the outline the maximum you should use is .5 pt. The stripe also has rough edges, looks like it was made using the paintbrush tool, IDK what program you use but if it's an option use the pen tool, it's tricky to learn but once you get the hang of it you can make very staight lines like these https://gyazo.com/639c54038ccc34851cf05a401daaef00 Recognition: The design doesn't immediately strike me as a police car and the text is unreadable until you get close, the reason black and white works is because it's recognizable without details from afar and most people have been exposed to black and white police cars. Make the police text more prominent and sleeker or slap a badge on it so if a noob sees it they can instantly go "that's a cop car" without getting up close. A well done example of a grey cop care is TPS https://imgur.com/a/n0WDuUh Detail; The car lacks personality, without an agency patch or any markings besides "police" it looks like it could've been ripped from any mod pack and thrown in, make a car with personality. Add small details like a flag or a bumper sticker a unique slogan, even shading can be what makes it distinctive but no one wants a completely generic car. Overall for a first shot at designing it's not bad, the stuff I was making when I started was much worse and no one's born knowing everything or proficient at something like texture design. Just don't put in on a designer app because while a cool concept it needs a lot of TLC before it's ready.
  2. https://imgur.com/a/QN24Enf

    TFW the texture you sent your designer buddy a couple months ago gets modified and put in the mission file.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Linka


      damn bro you pointed the gun the wrong way

    3. LULA 2022 - PT 13

      LULA 2022 - PT 13

      @Linka My IQ and my body temp are around the same for the most part

    4. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Are you a cold blooded reptile by chance?

  3. 1 week of my onlyfans and premium snap.
  4. Aren't you the kid who started screaming some very heavy slurs at me when we went to support and then tried playing it off as talking to your dad? Should've whooped you for talking to him like that and going to game forums for validation.
  5. Vigis should not be whitelisted, there's nothing in the current role of vigilantes that requires whitelisting and if it's a whitelisted faction you end up with a hierarchy and rule enforcement mechanism that makes it another version of the APD. Vigi is fine as is and by definition vigilantes act outside the law. People say "just join the APD" because what some vigis want is police powers and equipment without the hassle associated with the APD, I think vigi is very well balanced right now and aside from small tweaks it's fine as is. Vigis were never intended to replace the APD or even act as an APD-lite, the rules and privileges are fine as is and if you really want to roll around with lights and sirens, toggle lethals and wide reaching powers join the APD because vigis will never be on par with the police. Why anyone become cop and deal with a chain of command at a handbook that takes 20 minutes to go through when they can get a whitelist for a faction that pays better, has access to better equipment and much less bullshit with half the rules? Why not just do away with the APD or integrate vigis as "special constables" or something at that point? The reason the APD has so much "bullshit" is because even in a video game running a law enforcement agency takes significant oversight and administrative work, a whitelisted vigi faction would still have ranks, TS channels and everything the APD currently has with the bonus of being able to partake in illegal activities on duty and not having to respond to calls and feds.
  6. I think a good compromise would be bringing the SUV down to deputies or the non-sport hatchback which isn't as powerful. Deputies don't need a highway pursuit vehicle but the offroad is a brick on wheels and moves like it, POs never use SUVs and they're not good for highway speeds but fast and agile enough to comfortably handle cities and the immediate surroundings.
  7. Noobs already get medic and cop sirens mixed up, no need to add 2 more into the mix. Also almost all color combinations are already used by the APD and RnR so making it not look like a police or medic vehicle will be a pain in the ass. Lastly if you want lights and sirens become a cop or medic, vigis are not pseudo cops and they never will be, this would make engagement messier and make life for everyone harder. It's also literally impossible, the current lights and sirens script is whitelist based, if I hop into a civilian vehicle that exists on cop I can turn on lights and sirens but a civ in a cop car can't do shit. The only vehicles with emergency lights and a siren currently are the offroad and van which both suck and have all blue lights.
  8. O7
  9. Firsf chief in a while to look out for his people and try to represent his officer's best interests. Say what you will about his leadership style and internal gripes but the push for transparency, oversight and inclusion of the Jr APD into the decision making process Sandman rolled out in 2 months was more than Chiefs with much longer tenures achieved in eras with less resistance towards the APD.


    In my close to 3 years as an APD officer I can say I've only seen a handful of seniors who match the passion and drive that you had, in my opinion are one of the few seniors to take the concept of servant leadership to heart and I can only hope the next chief is as motivated and dedicated to his subordinates as you were.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. LULA 2022 - PT 13

      LULA 2022 - PT 13

      @Billeh fuck that.


      I've never been one to try and play the politics game and I don't plan on starting now. I honestly believe Sandman tried to be a good chief and it sucks the stars and public opinion didn't align in his favor.


      Hopefully the next chief keeps up the agenda of putting the APD first and brings the same energy as Sandman but at this point I don't think that's likely.

    3. Bloodmoon


      6 minutes ago, sploding said:

      and brings the same energy as Sandman

      Yea, you don't want that.

    4. Ansarith


      @sploding careful you're not allowed to like the guy at all or you're sucking his dick

  10. Can APD get the blue or white HazMat suits for the covid update?

  11. Down below to enter
  12. Tommorowland winter just got cancelled:feelsbadman:

    1. Lime


      Ultra, now this. 'Tis sad times

  13. If the civ council doesn't approve tik toks as a valid way of player reporting tommorow I will lose my shit.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. LULA 2022 - PT 13
    3. milos inflated dev2 ego
    4. Birb


      it's just a 30-60 second video, so yeah wouldn't it be valid for certain things like the clip in my signature is good enough for a comp request

  14. Just like the sale of lamps, loans and gang funds are completely detached from Olympus and it's staff in any official capacity. If you got scammed just suck it up and make sure either you get some very good collateral for a loan or don't mess around with money if you dont trust then person or know them very well.
  15. BZ to @ShoTime

    Hope your marriage is good

    ETA on putting in your package to Annapolis?

    1. Sho-Time


      I gotta do a year of college first.

  16. I'm sure BI will love having an active slave trade on a partner monetized server.
  17. Plenty of servers allow Blastcore and JSRS. Also when whitelisting mods you just add a server key so you absolutely can cater your list of client side mods. Making an approved list of mods that make the base game better can't hurt and if someone wants to cheat they won't be stopped by blastcore or JSRS being disabled. If you're worried about noobs just list the mods and steam links on the forums but if you cry unfair advantage because of an open source mod you can download you deserve to get clapped.
  18. You would still own garages for small houses or the ability to spawn closer to the action. I spend around 40 minute searching on S1 today and there are almost zero available garages. If garages were the price of a 4 crater I'd agree but now you can get one for less than a house meaning you buy a 1.5 million dollar house, spend another million upgrading it but can't use it as a spawn because of no garages nearby. We let people pull from gang sheds but that didn't kill the market for garages.
  19. Garage house combos are close to nonexistent though and garages are extremely scarce. If I'm paying over 2 mil for a house + upgrades I should be able to pay a little bit more and pull cars.
  20. This is a great update, can't tell you how many times I've had to explain to a civ why I'm doing what I'm doing but not been able to explain properly and ended up with a confused civ.
  21. APD training event tonight was an absolute blast. Shout out to @Soulz for being a great co-instructor/hostage.


    GG to all involved and we look forward to possibly doing this again with you guys in the future.

  22. You're half right, bad breath comes from bacteria. If you're prone to tonsil stones having exposed or almost surfacing tonsil stones will generate bad breath as they're teeming with bacteria. Tonsil stones excluded the best way to avoid bad breath is to kill most bacteria in your mouth, they thrive on the tongue so on top of thorough brushing you need some mouthwash to be sure your mouth is clean.
  23. @Sandman congrats on chief, I'm pretty sure we went through the academy, and having a roleplayer chief will be interesting?


    5.56 with EOtechs and t3 vests for everyone?

  24. https://giant.gfycat.com/CharmingIdioticBlobfish.webm
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