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LULA 2022 - PT 13

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Everything posted by LULA 2022 - PT 13

  1. https://gyazo.com/de09fa180f2b2da450f464aa53f0d624

    Guess I need to learn english again. top-tier advertising.

  2. The next evolution of the APD.
  3. Happy birthday to my favorite geriatric @Scribble

    Your prune juice and AARP membership should arrive in 5-7 business days.

  4. As my favorite perm PO you're not allowed to leave
  5. Look how the massacred my boy! You have my snap, lmk when you feel like playing and feel free to keep in contact. You weren't a bad corp and I really think with some more time to mature and get time under your belt you could have been a great senior, despite some faults and being a bit of an acquired taste you're a people person and genuinely give a shit about the people around you. I'll miss our rp sessions, stupid discussions and just goofing around in TS. o7, fair winds and following seas buddy.
  6. APD are fags but the guys on the video game equivalent of the party planning committee aren't?
  7. If you google innocence @AmericanWaffle is one of the top 10 search results. Free this man.

  8. Not just any reject, this Kentucky reject needs to GTFO.
  9. Apparently Minneapolis police have been going around slashing people's tires for no real reason. Go and see what happens if you as much go near of their cars though. Thugs and gangsters in green and multicam.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Strae


      Apparently there's signs to not leave your cars in a certain area, and if you do you get your car's tires slashed so as for people to not use them against the cops. Source: Dude, trust me.

  10. It looks good and the experience of doing something like this carries over to other textures, it may not be a good fit for the APD but it certainly has artistic merit. if you made the detailing orange and tweaked the camo a bit this would make a fire civ skin. Anyways it'll look good on your designer app.
  11. Let's make a rule requiring MLA citations for all forums posts.
  12. I piss everywhere but the toilet to establish dominance, fuck outta here you beta.
  13. Honestly the bank is hella unbalanced and I don't respond to them anymore. If the gallery is similar I think it'll become bank lite. The burglaries look fun but unless there's a notification to the APD it's free money with zero risk and the time to use bolt cutters, open a crate and dip is so short it's a guaranteed win. The boat one I'm least excited about, you can't taze an NPC so POs are fucked and boats have autopilot anyways so until the NPC is killed or the engine is disabled it's impossible to stop it, boats also have a tendency to sink when you shoot them enough or they hit anything so the chances of a bout full of drugs being recoverable are low.
  14. I ran a test @100m in the editor a while ago. It takes one more shot of 6.5 from a standard MX and 2 more shots from a sting, negligible at the distance most engagements happen on Olympus.
  15. How would you guys feel about a new APD charge of "unlawful assembly"?

    Value: 15,000

    Prob cause:No

    Definition: Participating in an agglomeration of five or more civilians that is detrimental to the peace and public order.

    Charging requirements: VW to disperse, must be clearly disobeying lawful orders.

  16. I'm listening to the MPD scanner rn and I'm 99% sure a unit just requested authorization to use lethal force. Shit's getting real😳

    1. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Wave 3 R O L L O U T 🚨

    2. jig


      lethals loaded baby

  17. Not too fond of PsySin, but shit like this makes me appreciate Olympus.

    1. Lex yo

      Lex yo

      That man is not what he used to be. I got into Arma honestly watching. Like his entire DayZ RP series and shit.

  18. IDK dude, if property taxes are relatively low e.g. 10% of house value + upgrades newer players won't struggle to pay if it's something like bi-weekly. Like I said earlier make every additional house add 2.5% to your tax capping at 20%. If you own 4 houses you can afford the property tax which can't be higher than a mil every other week and a new player with a nice ass house is paying 200k taxes at most every 2 weeks, that's the cost of a full rebel loadout and if you use your silver house you'll have no trouble paying it.
  19. What do you think of these rates to not only take money out of the economy but disincentivize property hoarding? Tax Rate = 10% of property value + upgrades every two weeks. Every additional house will increase your tax rate by 2.5% eventually maxing out at 20% tax rate per house, Someone with a house worth 2mil will only pay 200k which isn't much but someone with multiple large houses will be paying astronomical taxes forcing them to either make the house productive somehow or risk losing significant amounts of money, garages can't be productive so they should be tax free though but house hoarding or buying a house in a good location, upgrading it then flipping for a profit would be very expensive and inconvenient.
  20. currently when you disable a boat it just sinks, tasing the driver of a boat also won't stop it since boats have a sort of autopilot For stuff to do in the water without wetsuits you need to scrip it in, and scripted platforms on the water are extremely buggy. ArmA is not optimized for naval combat and anything that's above water is just as liable to blow you up or kill than work.
  21. As a cop I think BW is broken, but having done a BW where we counted at least 8 hunter shit's wack.

    1. Zakaloko
    2. Bloodmoon


      Just chop them all

    3. Rossco


      1 hour ago, rabid said:


      Damn, he go hard

  22. Rebel boat to salt flats or riot.
  23. @swervy gz on earning your durag, officially a shooter for the server's biggest gang.

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