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Everything posted by GluxDesigns

  1. 20190831194017_1.jpg

    I heard these guys were hiring...

    1. Millennium
    2. PJ.



      i remember this shit back in like 2014-15 , it sounded so cool but like wtf did they even do???

    3. Cooper:P
  2. The Adventures of Shades and Glux gonna happen very soon. Getting back on it. Only streaming for like an hour.

  3. Brand new 2003 tacoma!
  4. I got one forever, can I get a 2 x forever...
  5. Ok. Well bring it back. Should it be rotated out after 6 months or do you guys want it longer?
  6. 20190722143939_1.jpg

    Me and @Shades as well as members of the Research and Development division have successfully opened a gate. Muhaha!

    1. N7Zero


      is that ur nan's gash?

    2. Shades


      @N7Zero It’s a gate to the Upside Down from Stranger Things but on Arma 3. Lol. 

    3. N7Zero


      Image result for stranger things dustin meme

      never seen the tv show.

  7. I choose left because of her assets.
  8. So many rabbits looking for those eggs. Looks like someone took all the gold ones. But that doesn't mean you guys have to stop looking. Have fun guys. Everyone who got the eggs congrats, way way way faster than I thought it was going to take. 

    They next one will be way harder and take the community to solve. I wont tell you when its out either. <3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. N7Zero


      DB 5Head on top

    3. 1-800TryHards


      19 minutes ago, Edweirdo said:

      Please make more, so much fun to do. 


    4. GluxDesigns


      Also for everyone who got them first, give us some time to get the prizes in your accounts. 

  9. Hope you guys enjoy the eye candy in the latest hotfix last night. Cant wait to get on tonight. 

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. GluxDesigns


      Im so lucky I got let off work early today. Ill work on it most of the day.

    3. Zeuse


      27 minutes ago, Gluxdator said:

      I already fixed the Orca (color, icons, quality has been set from 40% to 60%) and Uniform issues. Only thing is, we might have to wait till next hotfix or update. Well see, but everyone thanks for your input. I want to make sure everything is perfect.

      Can you remove all the yellow at the top of the Orca tbh?  I think it makes it a little too yellow.  :p

    4. Millennium


      I think the biggest issue here is that it is a $100 Donation skin.

      There are 2 skins for the hummingbird, why not 2 for the orca (non-dono)

  10. We need to keep things looking fresh with new designs. If you guys want it back, we could make it happen for another few months. Well work it out. Nothing is ever gone, just rotated.
  11. 20190629094006_1.jpg

    Working on that DLC content early. Making sure Olympus has all the prettiest new toys before everyone else. DLC comes out next month on the 25th.

    1. GregoV1


      OMG I SEE THE APD GO-KART!!!!!! :pog:

    2. 1-800TryHards
    3. Christoph


      i hope this is added so cool good work <3

  12. Im gonna play some medic. Shades may join me, but well see. 

  13. I edited the whole Patreon to avoid confusion. Sorry about that guys. Nothing on their should be related to Olympus.
  14. Sorry for being late to this. Nothing designed for Olympus is and or ever will be for sale, gifted, or given. Everything on that Patreon is custom work, base color designs, arms 3 lore expansion content, designs for different game types, stuff that cant be on Altis. Old rotations mean my old personal designs. If its confusing I'll change the words or just remove the Patreon. I do all this for free, trying to get a new PC to keep this up. Support from fans help. I dont remember you ever asking for a texture, or more son giving me money lol. lol well yeah I did make most of this high.
  15. So my PC took a massive shit and almost died while streaming a design. Sadly throughout that stream I never saved what I was making and its gone. Ill make it again later. 

    Want to help Glux with a new PC and create you all some more badass stuff? lol, Support me here.

    1. Coffee


       Was really liking the progress. Feelsbadman 

  16. Gonna make some art. Make sure to smoke up, get some food, and help me make some art. Also subscribe, help me out!

  17. Another round of streaming. Ill work on designing stuff, Shades will chill and smoke with us. Later on today we might stream again too.

  18. Want to chill with Shades and Glux? We are gonna smoke up, play some medic, and go on adventures...

  19. Traveling through a old map of mine.

  20. Im gonna take my PO test soon. My plan: Study High, Take the test High.... Get High Score! XD

  21. o7 Salute. o/ wave
  22. Yeah I didnt like the ending either, even while high. Well at least its over for now. Till the next spin off.

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