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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by GluxDesigns

  1. ZDVtLmI.jpeg

    Oh hey guys, im back! Found some old billboards on my old editor / workshop. Looking forward to seeing whats new on the server, any cool art?

    1. LULA 2022 - PT 13

      LULA 2022 - PT 13

      RnR went through a whole ass redesign a few months back, not the biggest fan but it could be worse.

      Still, it seems that the texture side of the house has more or less taken a backseat save for a few O+ skins every other update. Very different from back when you were running the team and things would rotate every quarter or so.

      As far as the team itself it seems not much has changed from the status quo after Secret left.

    2. GluxDesigns


      Thanks for the good AAR. Good to know where it stands. Might have to get back into my workshop more and turn on the machine... 🙂

    3. drama



  2. vslECcp.png

    Messing around with some Squid Game stuff. Happy New Years everyone.


    1. LULA 2022 - PT 13

      LULA 2022 - PT 13

      This is sick, too bad we can't actually get the helmet in game or make the jumpsuit numbers procedurally generated.

    2. johnny goose
  3. o7

    It was nice designing textures for Olympus. I'll be moving on to other projects. I see you guys for Arma 4. I'll be around and will play here and there. Much love, and thanks for the support. *smokes blunt on the way out*.

  4. Im glad I never break any rules on RnR! Im a role model.
  5. Fuck who ever left the toilet seat up.
  6. It was nice Leading the Texture Design team. Moving myself all the way down to make room. Ill be around, and design still. Just burnt out leading, need to go back to designing. 

    Congratz @Secret Agent

  7. 3X6YYJa.jpg

    Boom Boom Ciao!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Richard


      Fresh.  Great show and awesome replication

    3. Lime


      Absolute banger

    4. yung matt

      yung matt

      its a good show tbh

  8. I want this. I want to buy weed from the drug dealer, not some kid trying to sell reggie pretending its some Cush for 15k a pop..... jeeze...
  9. y7F6jvK.jpg

    Anyone want to race? Winner gets lolipops. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Claysive


      +1 to anything that wreaks havoc on kav! :kappa:

      But for real, Looks good Glux!

    3. Mighty
  10. vote for me or texture embargo. love you guys!! lollipops for all
  11. sJO784n.jpg

    Would you guys like vehicles with this type of camo to match war zone type of landscapes? If so, what types of vehicles do you see a lot there? (I suck at civ and never quite make it there.)

  12. If you could have another "F the Police" themed vehicle, which old apd vehicle would you guys want it on? Some say Civ Hunter "F the Police" theme. We already have the hatch, what you guys think?

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Zeuse
    3. i win

      i win

      When I came up with the apd hatchback claiming idea, I kinda wanted all shared vehicles to be claimable eventually  But only after we saw how it plays out with hatchbacks. I knew this would get some pushback so I would rather wait and see if both factions enjoy this sort of gameplay first. 

      Personally I think hunters and orcas, maybe not ghosthawks, would be awesome to claim. Might need to increase how aggressively the APD respond to those vehicle skins though. 

    4. John Wayne
  13. @Secret Agent Happy Birthday! Hope you get some good cake. I would make you a small cake with weed in it.

  14. I want to be able to spangle someone with the glow stick on medic. Self Defense, Advance Para+ @Richard >:3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PJ.


      Will definitely bring up at the next meeting.

    3. Millennium


      24 minutes ago, Dante said:

      Imagine the glow stick having the same result as the spangle gun. I could see so many blacklists in the first week 

      Alrighty everyone line ontop of the hospital helipad. Person in square watches 5 bodys flying off Hospital

    4. Rexo


      I need this 

  15. one of many

    If you like that Final Fantasy game MMO, which I might get into my friend is streaming. Hes a chill dude, I know him irl. 

  17. My domain expired, so all my images may be messed up until I update all the links manually... im dumb.

    1. Fake Grandma

      Fake Grandma


    2. GluxDesigns


      I was broke and didnt want to go negative on my account, then yeah I was stoned and forgot to turn it back on.

    3. Fake Grandma

      Fake Grandma

      @GluxDesigns I think we have both learned a valuable lesson here, you gotta set an alarm BEFORE you smoke. 

  18. See you around my dude!! Oh man, well bro Ill smoke this bowl in your name. Now I want to make a wall in Altis a memorial for all COOL retired staff.
  19. I like this o7. Hope you enjoy your free time. And yes the RnR would not be what it is, if it wasn't for you and the others. Thanks for your help and support. See you on TS. o/
  20. Yay its back up finally. If you lost your profile banner and want a new one, just so happens @Shades makes the best; with my help. PM him for details.

  21. I think it's time for an update on the UI. Luckly this has been on the low burner already. If wanted, concepts would be made.
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