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Connor McGregor

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Everything posted by Connor McGregor

  1. These requirements really need to be altered.
  2. can I get my stats back now, thanks

    1. Skys


      @Peter Long Good to see you unbanned him :)

    2. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Make a general inquiry ticket.

  3. Why are you claiming you're friends with me? I don't even know who you are.
  4. Nothing will change on this server until they unban people.
  5. Shouldn't ban people for stupid reasons and the server wouldn't be dead.
  6. Yeah I cheat bro you got me. TI best gang.
  7. Whens the olympus league thing coming
  8. na
  9. 7mil
  10. Fix the unlock feature, takes literally 2 minutes to unlock...

    1. Pinkstreak


      If you open your keychain after pulling your vehicle and then close it, you will be able to unlock instantly. Little trick for now :)

    2. DashTonic


      I just ran away about 20m and come back it usually works

  11. 6 mil
    1. monster


      Best arma gang around btw, i think The Increment from gtarp is beating yall

  12. You're retarded.
  13. Gang wars should be every 2-3 months other than that it's fine the way it is, what we do need is a "league" that happens at certain times each week where you hold the cap and after the time is up the team holding the cap gets points then at the end of the month prizes are handed out for the top 3. Makes people have something to fight for and is frequent.
  14. What was the reasoning behind why night cycle won't be sped up?
  15. Maybe next one bud...
  16. You won't even make it to the finals so you wont have to worry about getting whomped by us.
  17. It's cute you think you will win hahaha, wait and see retard.
  18. About time
  19. Buying all pilot coveralls
  20. Can we get titles for bounties like 1mil, 5 mil, 10 mil up to 30 mil

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. monster
    3. kev
    4. Ang3l


      18 hours ago, Edge said:

      What so you can cl to get it

      Simmer down edge

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