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Connor McGregor

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Everything posted by Connor McGregor

  1. The only true one
  2. don't care
  3. Someone make a gang that fights

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Connor McGregor
    3. evannnn


      ok its 1030 am and everyone is asleep


      try like 7 pm central time and we have 8+ on

    4. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      timezones be like 😴

  4. Can we have a conquest tonight @Zahzi @Panda :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Reformed Skrood
    3. Horizon


      I believe there is one tonight at 8PM EST

    4. Zahzi


      35 minutes ago, Horizon said:

      I believe there is one tonight at 8PM EST


  5. Another easy gang wars

    1. ThatNerdyGuy


      Subscribing for the salt comments.

    2. c0zza


      yeah that booter did work!

  6. offer for 6900?
  7. offer
  8. ill do a 75 mil
  9. Offer
  10. speed up night and remove rain @TheCmdrRex @Ryan

  11. It's actually 5 but ye.
  12. imagine being that bad when cheating :blink:

    1. Lex yo
    2. Orgondo


      Imagine getting raped by him when he wasn’t cheating then out cheating your cheaters. Yikes

    3. Connor McGregor

      Connor McGregor

      Hahaha youre delusional, theres a reason they/he hasnt won a gang wars since we all left.

  13. Whats the point in doing these anymore, stuff from 5-6 months ago still aren't added...
  14. It's supposed to be a big event and you get less than 2 mil per player, doesn't really make sense
  15. Last gang wars it was a 36 mil prize pool and now it's only 20...? @Peter Long
  16. this server really is dying

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. HyperGoat
    3. iPopsicle


      1 minute ago, McDili said:

      Yeah that definitely hasn't been said for the last 4 years


  17. jimmy getting bullied on stream


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