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Everything posted by LiL J

  1. @TheCmdrRex Comes next update correct?
  2. I think he is implying that you said “come at my neck” and he said like meet me at 12pm...
  3. 2m
  4. 6v20

    Fun. Fair. Balanced.

  5. Congrats on the proposal @Kyle Lake I wish you two the best!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Mercury


      1 minute ago, Kyle Lake said:

      I have done no such thing!

      Yeah you did you dirty dirty whore!

    3. Kyle Lake

      Kyle Lake

      @Mercury tells the truth. :FeelsBad:

    4. Ang3l


      I guess all the good luck payed off:wub:

  6. o7 still not happy you doxed me
  7. malden?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. drama


      You guys didn’t hear? Malden is cancelled :Kappa: they scrapped it

    3. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Yep. Scrapped until Summer 2019 :bigcheefface:

    4. platinumfire
  8. LiL J


  9. 3m
  10. @kev
  11. 2mil
  12. damn, its been a while since a successful fed:thinking-face_1f914:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Orgondo


      Yasss drama!! Please more, work is dead

    3. Vcx


      You were in Wet meat people who ran away from me and ended the war while I was chasing...…. 

  13. bump
  14. I sent in a suggestion and it didn't get talked about?
  15. s2 just blew up 3 times in a row, rip.

  16. Not relevant, you’re just a meme
  17. @Homicides first corporal test
  18. If it was s1 I could see like 4mil but 9mil for s2, lol..
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