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Dank MeeMoo

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Everything posted by Dank MeeMoo

    1. GoBoom


      best tank gunner around... still mad it kicked me after i hit the shot xd

  1. No cleanup script make me 😞

  2. Cops need to know if they need to get someone they have in custody dopamine there isn’t really a need for medics to have it. It would make no functional difference, not really against it being implemented just doesn’t matter
  3. What does it matter? If they ask for it then you’ll give it to them.
  4. Congrats @buckie shit my bad @Millennium

    1. buckie


      lol real funny kid u should replace ur worn out kneepads

    2. Millennium
  5. Hey so uh we gettin our tier 3’s back Mr @Sandman?

    1. Unjo


      No, altis can't afford tier 3 vest import tax 

  6. Support team members have very different views on some grey area situations but I agree it would be nice if we were more on the same page on that kind of stuff. I don't think a rule clarification is asking for too much but I don't exactly know how they would word it to make it better than it is now.
  7. The whole point of giving people more than 5 seconds to comply is for situations when you need more than 5 seconds such as landing a heli or stopping a vehicle, etc. Doesn’t really fit imo for someone that was stationary in the car
  8. Great job sectran!
  9. Yeah regardless of if you’re at war or not once you shoot and kill that one member everyone with that tag is engaged. However you couldn’t kill the non enemy gang member without initiation or shooting another person first.
  10. Congrats @Revise you've worked so hard for it!

  11. @Winters why do you have a profile pic?

    1. Civak


      I forced it upon him.

  12. I think we’ve gotta give sandman a chance first see what he really wants to do. It’s too soon for me to feel any need to think about a different chief.
  13. @Zeuse Congrats on contributor big man

    1. Zeuse


      Thanks fish 🐠 

  14. Not a good pickup line noodles
  15. Most likely it will be changed or completely different next update.
  16. Pretty sure this is an arma thing nothing the server can do about it
  17. Yes if they are screeching and being annoying and you tell them to be quite or they will be shot you can shoot them if they don’t comply
  18. I think this is what your after, but item weights have not changed I believe. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yxWWwxCFx9uZ390zpLzNEWoWoL3REvbH1TcdEwBJgeM/edit#gid=1361896776
  19. Camping gang sheds and houses definitely feels pretty shitty. But for someone to hide in a house or doing drug runs out of it that you just do happen to see I don’t see anything wrong with that.
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