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Everything posted by Gibbs

  1. once I upgraded my ram speed i didnt have the issue.
  2. HAHAHAHA @Fushigi  @Ignis  


    1. Dangus


      Oh my god. That's a god damn beautiful site to see!

    2. Orgondo


      Thankful I drove my Strider the fuck out of that shit


  3. Gibbs is dead!  


    1. snipeZ


      Arma 2 dayz mod. ahhh the memories

    2. JoeL


      He missed the first shot aha

      Gibbs is dead 

    3. falcon


      I'd kill Gibbs too, because why not?

  4. P07 mags on olympus 


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Danger


      That's some stopping power right there....

    3. Hot Pocket

      Hot Pocket

      talk bout ripping a head off XD

    4. Gibbs


      @bow No I don't I was working my way into the city, i wasn't near the HQ when it went off.


  5. When someone leaves a blindfold on.



    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Pledge


      @Talindor It was so good you laughed twice.

    3. Talindor


      The way the bag guy is walking, I was laughing so hard.

    4. Bow


      Snatch is a great film :D

  6. Wooo jet skis good job boys!

    1. Augustus


      Thanks for that final push :)

  7. There will be a reply in the ticket you submitted saying if you were accepted or not. To find your ticket just click on support in the top row.
  8. Garage Candy.
  9. Happy Birthday dood!

  10. Gibbs

    Altis IRL

    Just to the south is Strais
  11. https://gyazo.com/1806f9f015417f6e3c5200e61829ec5a Several high powered rifles and at least 15 people in custody, even if they did get rescued, they did a good job.
  12. lol
  13. I love our medics!
  14. The reason we can't loot dead people is, people can dupe items, and have done so in the past. I don't think they will ever bring back looting of dead bodies.
  15. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/49860820017933061/655F28642A7ADF1B1C49CB3B7ED4EFB8C976581C/
  16. something is not loading correctly says to contact an admin on 1.. 2 is up
  17. Stuck in sending request to server 1 and 2 anyone else have this problem?
  18. Gibbs

    Thank You

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