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Everything posted by Dab

  1. Incoming rule change..
  2. Nobody asked
  3. Make runs not robbable
  4. I’m selling steroids.

  5. Loser
  6. Retard
  7. just new boot goofin on this memetage


    1. Monks


      this is 10 minutes long...

  8. Can we get a slot machine in the jail.. 

  9. Betting has claimed another victim
  10. Status Update
  11. dog doo
  12. We are a brand new startup, with the know how and resources to be one of the most feared groups of vigilantes out there. We will use military tactics drawn up by a 10 year Army Veteran to overwhelm and claim our bounty targets. We are a rank structuredorganization, but still casual enough to chill. Become one of our founding members and join today! Did you not just post this moments before
  13. Y’all smokin dick
  14. 8-B61-F41-D-C10-C-49-CD-B482-42592-E1015

    1. Cale


      would make it worth it tbh especially if the had a red name to all people who can claim their bounty

    2. buckie


      Should red name the hitman and tell the player who accepted the contract

  15. That’s toxic
  16. People should be able to 9/11 into the fed domes if they want to.
  17. Dab


    Goodluck dude
  18. @Venoooom were looking at 12 hundo square feet
  19. 2x Server 2 Houses in Kavala baby Perfect for whatever kavala scatting is like in summer 2020... As I'm typing this inside the shack on RDM alley, rooks be popping off.. I'm probably being vigi'd rn House... White.... 100m from square.. Next up is the memeshack (House Addon) right on RDM alley... Drop an offer or message me..
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