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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Hoonter

  1. How much for a gl?
  2. o7 hope to play with you again some day never got to truly know you but ever time we played together on cop it was fun my dude.

    APD Coin Flips or Riot:DPEducated:

  4. Got a bunch of corp bulk know it's not senior shit but good anyways
  5. Such is life. Never knew him think I played cop with him once or twice but it is kinda depressing to if nothing else watch as members of this community feel grief for a friend.
  6. @kev
  7. I to find getting a several million dollar suppressor from a Bw where the cops cant even pull cars interesting and rewarding +1
  8. So with this rule change if I throw a GPS on the truck at the fed who hops up into the blackfish and we roll up on it at platinum trader and it and the truck and the fish are there would I still be good to seize the blackfish or would this be considered losing sight of it?
  9. o7 @Ron def had no clue

  10. o7 @Dominick Ramos hopefully you can find something to enjoy besides ruining gang life

  11. @Jamie congrats my dude well deserved

  12. Well im more concerned wether this falls under giving them a reduced ticket or its like giving them a pardon per charge can i give a guy with a 100k ticket 60k worth of pardons? or do i still need to follow the fact i can only give reduced tickets of 50% at the lowest?
  13. So the pardoning certaining charges how is treated as a corporal am i allowed to pardon only 50% worth of his charges or is it a anything goes type of scenario?
  14. Congrats @thor.

    1. thor


      ty, congrats to you aswell

  15. Intentional
  16. Spoge Bob is fv anme
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