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Everything posted by Montez

  1. if admins deem you didn't have enough time to comply, it'll still be RDM. the 5 second rule isn't static, certain situations require more or less time to judge a players next actions
  2. i find it very ironic that i'll tell a medic not to revive someone, and even pay an invoice for the money he would've gotten from the revive, then proceed to find the medic reviving him. but y'know.
  3. i've seen it on some streams for it, but a friend sent it to me, and i like it lmao
  4. https://gyazo.com/903b504cec5688f267e3bb7346ce1e93 because we gamers, man!
  5. happy birthday @Panda :)
    congrats @Revise

    very epic roleplay from both of you! 🙂

  6. am i the only one who gets like "micro-freezes" when anything is happening on the server?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lime


      I def get some "stuttering" if you wanna call it that when shooting or flying, but really only when the server's pop is stacked. Early in the mornin, my game runs fine.

    3. Piner


      Use gpu-z (or similar) to determine if you are hitting any limits or caps on your GPU.


      Then do a Google search for "perfcap reason".

    4. Jerrod


      @Piner you are such a legend thank you

  7. dead to the weeb

  8. i'll always remember when you said you looked up to me, then became a senior. o7, i'll miss you lil homie
  9. #FreeRexo

    he didn't even do nuffin

    1. Millennium


      ty mr anime bi idiot ❤️

    2. Brolaf


      Thank you vewy much Montez ❤️

  10. is it time for another crab rave?

  11. wait shit, @Rexo, it was your birthday? fuck.

    happy birthday crackhead, sorry im late ❤️

  12. imagine o7'ing because you didn't get corporal shit, i did the same. jokes aside, o7 bro
  13. wtf did i miss

    mod dripp ig lmao

  14. you can always ask for an exception, however you might have to prove you're a good candidate (don't be toxic, n shit) and remember
  15. Montez


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