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Everything posted by vedalkenn

  1. vedalkenn


    peace old man, play fucking tarkov with us
  2. hi looking for more tarkov players cause sammy gears slower than my grandmother walks

    1. Peterr


      Yes ved I’ll come carry you as the .7 player I am 

  3. Merry Christmas all, hope you all have a good day with your families, and if you can't spend it with them I hope it's still good for you :).


  4. didnt realize it was supposed to snow and be icy as fuck and didnt put snow tires on my death trap, almost died like 7 times on deliv

  5. @Fiend I've made it past the first boss and am past the cursed great wood, I didn't kill Greirat and I love this NPC

    1. Monks


      Ok now you settle down, have kids and live your life out with the npc. You won the game! 🙂

    2. Slav


      There’s two distinct forms of the Greirat quest line. Personally, just play through the game and check them out the one you didn’t get afterwards.

      He is the best DS3 NPC though in my opinion. Here’s a video regarding his role and lore in the game, contains spoilers so if you care about that watch it after your play through and you will love the character even more.

      The voice actor is also pretty cool. He was in multiple James Bond movies, he played the father of the little girl in Saving Private Ryan who tried to give the girl to the US soldiers, played a role in Dark Souls 2 as well.


  6. hah imagine getting globaled couldnt be me B)

  7. vedalkenn

    o7 gents

    peace out moseph havent known you to long but you're a chill dude hmu if you ever wanna play some shit
  8.  please someone watch this and tell me what im doing wrong for the love of god

  9. I'm trying Dark Souls for the first time and my friends are bullying me cause I can't beat the fucking dude I pulled a sword out of

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Slav


      If you complete his quest line he could have been summoned to help you in the boss fights of Oceiros and Nameless King. Additionally, he could give you stuff like the collapse emote, farrons ring, hawkwood shield, and a heavy gem.

      It's not BAD that you killed him. I only completed his questline once. But killing non-hostile NPCs usually limits what you can achieve later on since many items are locked behind certain quests. Quests have no notification by the way in Dark Souls nor do you receive much direction. You just need to meet the requirements which can be found online if you care.

      There's only one non-hostile NPC I kill every play through I have simply because he lures you into traps to steal your gear.

    3. vedalkenn


      Ok, well I can't fucking kill him cause he's just better so I restarted


    4. Lucien


      Fuck patches all my homies hate patches

  10. I'm kinda banking on Cyberpunk, but Witcher is a great game if you're looking for singleplayer ones
  11. arma 3 detective @Cliffoff gets notorious Somali Software Solutions user@House

  12. HBD Fishing Buddy @Tapatio

    1. Tapatio


      lmk when and I'm down

  13. Yo quiero mi ojos, del sol tienes mi ojos

  14. Any advice for WoW pvp?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. vedalkenn


      32 minutes ago, Grandma Gary said:

      Roll a sub rogue and solo 2k+ EZ

      I don't know what that means, wanna teach me Gary?

    3. Zurph


      @vedalkenn Mark hunter is suppose to be very good this next expansion from what i hear. thats what i am playing aswell. 

    4. vedalkenn


      Aight I'll give it a try, thanks


  15. Well it was a good run for Trump, no hate on either side it was honestly a close election. But unless a recount in WI goes through Trump has no more chance at winning this year. Even then I still don't know if he'd come through, well it seems we've got Biden till 2024.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Vcx


      People can say this is just trump supporters crying but if this was happening on trumps side they'd be saying the same thing or doing even worse they already stabbed 4 trump supporters in DC sooo I mean everyone has the right to be mad at the left and it looks rigged af no matter what anyone says. The voting also should've stopped when election day was over with like it always has in american history because that stops anyone from cheating and stuff like this happening there is a reason why rules are in place 

    3. Slav


      @Vcx This actually does looked rigged af. If there was foul play in the election then it is clear Trump will come out ahead. But at the end of the day, it's up to the courts to decide. The last major election fraud I remember was 2000 in Missouri, St. Louis.

    4. vedalkenn


      2 hours ago, Horizon said:

      they getting ur hopes up so y'all still think u matter

      My hopes aren't up, I wasn't even attempting to talk shit on it. I was just stating what I thought was going to happen as much as I'd like for Trump to win rather than Biden at the moment it's unlikely.

  16. I promise, when I broke my finger and waited for hours back home unified healthcare proved to me that it wasn't worth it. When my father had to wait to months to get approved, then went an extra month for a lung surgery he desperately needed, unified healthcare proved once again that it was shit. I'm Canadian I fucking despise the healthcare system, like I said it's not bad paying the extra taxes but with it there are much more hidden fees and things that go into it. It's not as great as everybody seems to think it is. But that's just my personal opinion on it.
  17. Even so, take a look at their tax rates. Unified healthcare, and the perks of Socialism are nice but being from a purely socialist country I can't help but wonder why some people would prefer it. I do understand the benefits of it, but wait times for medical care and paying taxes much more heavily isn't anywhere near desirable for most Americans.
  18. If I'm being real it looks like Texas it's gonna be blue this time around lads

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Millennium


      Tons of people have been moving from California to Texas because of Taxes.

    3. vedalkenn


      Trump just began winning Texas by .5%

    4. PoptartRex


      Trump will for sure win Texas.

      Very interesting how much blue is in the state though as Texas used to be a hard red state

  19. the legend?
  20. you arent incorrect but this is the last lmao no chance im getting unbanned this time lol
  21. only one person gets the @ and thats @Grandma Gary i knew it from the moment you fucking appeared at rebel lmao goodbye lol
  22. 1a52b600298243aef5dab628e7ff6184.png

    o7 lol

    1. lorax


      another fallen soldier o7

    2. Drippp


      Ah shit welcome to the club brother

    3. coIe
  23. Mason? Influence over us retards? No you've clearly never played with us. Our comms is us flaming and yelling at each other lmao.
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