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Everything posted by YakGod

  1. Nothing more fun then logging onto cop to have a fed instantly start when there is only 5 on at like 3-4am USA time 

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. milos inflated dev2 ego

      milos inflated dev2 ego

      @ Nameless _  simply spawn at a differant hq and buy a titan yall act like there is nothing you can do against hawk

    3. darn fool

      darn fool

      Just unplug your internet, we used to do it all the time when there were boring feds.

    4. NameIess


      @ Owner of a Teeny Weenie Well for one its no where near as simple as just "going to buy a titan" lmao. For 2 I don't care about the hawk, sure it was annoying but that's not what I am complaining about. Its the fact that an SAPD member saw we were struggling with a fed at 5am and decide "lets pull a hawk and camp the already struggling deps/POs." I get if just a normal civ would do it, its easy kills and free fed, but an SAPD member (who knows we have no way to deal with it without them or a civ helping us and the feeling of just wanting to get off but you cant because a fed is happening). That's what was fucked up.  

  2. See u man have a good one hmu on discord lad if u ever wanna play something
  3. No one wants to fight at fed on eu time when all you have is 1 PO and 4 deps. I can assure you that that is not fun from the apd side
  4. Happy birthday fellow Brit @ FadedHazard

  5. IF only we could report off players own vids like in the old days
  6. Shouldn’t have done what you did then should you
  7. RIP Queen Elizabeth 

  8. 07 @ Ruan  may the streets be safe now it free and go out side. On a real note it was fun lad see u around 

  9. Finally can try win 88s aids EU time raids against 6 people
  10. YakGod

    APD RP

    In regards to the RP I know a lot of officers including myself will happy sit there and listen and rp with u for as long as it takes to explain the charges the issue comes down to when it’s the same shit over and over again like my grandads ww1 gun etc. Another one is screaming the place down about being restrained tased etc then wanting to RP after being toxic af for 5+ mins. in regards to Lethals u need to explain as it people are breaking it then ur more then welcome to submit to the apd IA section
  11. 07 lad have a good one @ Rossco thanks for fixing the sheets when i use to break them on SS
  12. I need it like shrek needs his swamp
  13. Congratulations to the new senior support members shame it came at my expense but good luck with the new role 

  14. Happy birthday @ CHEESE1  hope you enjoy ur day. We shall have to catch up soon 

  15. YakGod


    07 like others have said thank you for the hard work you put into Sr support etc stay safe in the out side world man
  16. 07 @ ThatNerdyGuy who is going to come bully me flying now ?

    1. ThatNerdyGuy


      I am still going to play

  17. Welcome to the team @ King

  18. The U.K. wins again congratulations @ Jonesy

  19. happy birthday sheet doctor @Rossco

  20. Happy birthday to the only smart American @rafaaa 

    1. Rafa


      Thank you, least annoying British person! 

  21. Finally can do apd escort now when no fto+ is on @rafaaalets go role play this truck till the end point
  22. Anyone fancy helping new players and old players out?. If so, consider applying for the support team as we are currently recruiting. For more info follow this link 


    1. Rossco


      This guy wants lead or something, fight for it @Regal

    2. Billeh


      lmao support team isn’t helping players out, it’s basically moderating arguments between either retards who don’t know the rules or retards with huge egos 

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