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Everything posted by NokiaStrong

  1. On the topic of you losing more than you gain for warpoints on kill/death depends on the clothes of the person you kill. So if a dude has some normal clothes and a tier 3 vest with an mk then the cost of his loadout is less than of your csat mk1. Tl;dr You get less killing him and lose more dying to him because he loadout is worse
  2. I changed the response almost instantly but yeah
  3. Gangs like evict and then once they improve gangs like Blackwater Astro or exe
  4. By % of cartel I mean if I own 2 I get 1.25 of drug tax, 3 1.50 of tax and so on. Incentive to fight
  5. Maybe we do the paycheck thing and the % increase of cartel ownership
  6. Happy birthday Maximus 

    1. maxg


      Thanks cutie :wub:

  7. I like the idea of it being 1 per person
  8. Meaning he will fight on cop to fight but not on civ, not saying he destroys his own gang
  9. Idk he fights pretty good at Astro feds
  10. @Weird Flex But Ok
  11. @h4wk can I jion

    thr supporrt team?

  12. Ah I thought you meant the farmers teamed up to tase the chief and survive
  13. Why would s3 be the producer of the suppressors and @ikiled is this duped also if it isn’t duped 1 mil
  14. I think he’s on to something
  15. 400k
  16. Where’s the akm kills
  17. 350k
  18. 300k
  19. It’s not even 2019 yet

    1. Peter Long
    2. Unjo


      We been living the good life in 2019.

    3. ThatNerdyGuy


      T i m e z o n e s

  20. Other people have complained about it. I have it on my list of things to be possibly changed
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