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  1. What I would recommend is do a Meth or Moonshine run (Meth is better) with a Blackfish and Hemmt transport. with the right math and storing of each ingredient you'll make hella money. Just get yourself a good pilot. @Trump24 Is a good and trusted one.
  2. FUCKING VIGIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Fuck those ENVG, not even good for Cartels.
  4. SUV Frogs runs = 500k minimum
  5. Rust
  6. Pop coke, smell my own shit. Wipe my ass from sitting all day, and pick my nose while I play.
  7. There's people who are used to being inside all day.
  8. MrRylex

    WTS Armed Qilin

    Your giving all that up for a fucking Armed Qillin?! xD
  9. MrRylex

    WTS Armed Qilin

  10. Of course you be the one to put a shitty song..
  11. Wow. Knew I should've researched more on which was better. xD
  12. It's a really good CPU, and if you can push $40 more to get the i7-7700k it'll be even better. Also you should overclock you CPU when you get it.
  13. No more Feds?! o7
  14. Why was mk18 removed?!
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