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Everything posted by MrRylex

  1. What I would recommend is do a Meth or Moonshine run (Meth is better) with a Blackfish and Hemmt transport. with the right math and storing of each ingredient you'll make hella money. Just get yourself a good pilot. @Trump24 Is a good and trusted one.
  2. FUCKING VIGIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Fuck those ENVG, not even good for Cartels.
  4. SUV Frogs runs = 500k minimum
  5. Rust
  6. Pop coke, smell my own shit. Wipe my ass from sitting all day, and pick my nose while I play.
  7. There's people who are used to being inside all day.
  8. MrRylex

    WTS Armed Qilin

    Your giving all that up for a fucking Armed Qillin?! xD
  9. MrRylex

    WTS Armed Qilin

  10. Of course you be the one to put a shitty song..
  11. Wow. Knew I should've researched more on which was better. xD
  12. It's a really good CPU, and if you can push $40 more to get the i7-7700k it'll be even better. Also you should overclock you CPU when you get it.
  13. No more Feds?! o7
  14. Why was mk18 removed?!
  15. I have a great setup. Just shitty monitor, and no desk! I have it on my dresser to be honest
  16. MrRylex


    Ruby strat. That's all
  17. I cant afford theis games. Wait a minute... Let me get my Grandpas credit card brb
  18. Im go to the Army, maybe SF Medic Sgt (18D)
  19. Not sure yet. Stilll seeing the options.
  20. Going to very soon
  21. Jamaica
  22. Suck a dick. No ones brain dead.
  23. There’s just a big ass friend circle in this community to be honest with you.
  24. ++++++1 Retards Pride moment? Couldn't just say "Sure man! I'll give you the comp as the Video obv shows the guy CL.....
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