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Colin L

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Everything posted by Colin L

  1. http://www.altislife.com/

    I didn’t know you guys advertised on billboards now...

    1. DeadPool


      bruh you trying to attract pedos? it says for the crowd of 55s+

    2. Colin L

      Colin L

      Well if we put them all in one spot there will be less kids :)

  2. Buy em with war points you dum dum
  3. 214
  4. Whys he need a screenshot? He wants to buy
  5. Hit me up to buy a T-4 Turbo Hunter I'm selling for 1 mil

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RogueMK


      Selling a hunter for 1 mill when ifrit is like 750, faster and better armour and you get hunters quite frequently spawned from BW 

      I mean good luck I guess

    3. JAMIE


      ill give you 790k just because ther are still rare since you can buy ifirits all day

    4. Colin L

      Colin L

      Well Rogue, the Hunter is rarer, and this thing is tier 4, which is sort of expensive...

      And jmb ill sell it to you for 900k

  6. Who even are you dude?

  7. Changing the price to 750k PM if interested
  8. Can we please remove the NLR warning? I don't wanna feel bad when I break NLR in Kavala

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. KrispyK
    3. ThatNerdyGuy


      Player has been dealt with the appropriate administrative action. Please be sure to leave any proof you have submitted up for at least 2 weeks in case we need it for further review. 

      Thank you for the report.

    4. proud
  9. Boys, can we make it so cop lights turn off after a certain amount of time? Its cancer

    1. DeadPool
    2. KrispyK


      sirens too, if someone dies while its on it stays on and keeps engaging people

    3. Colin L
  10. I just wanted to go full Kentucky Fried Chicken :( 


    1. SPBojo


      When poseidon was still boss i had him give me a profile make over, now as hes gone i only see some staff and McDildo having this feature.

    2. Colin L

      Colin L

      It was worth a try...

  11. You must not
  12. PM me if you have an offer for it, and we'll negotiate the price.
  13. Following the stereotype I see?

    1. platinumfire


      @hadi mokdad was that u in the video

    2. Majed


      is that a scam 

    3. Colin L

      Colin L


      It was a youtube ad I just randomly found so idk.

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