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APD Officer
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Everything posted by CocoisDead

  1. I have no words. Rest easy man..
  2. @ Hurricane Enjoy your first drink ever!

  3. Make sure you take the admin badge off the vest o7
  4. CocoisDead

    Wtb Ghawk

    Any higher offers?
  5. CocoisDead

    Wtb Ghawk

    Got a hawk for sell.
  6. CocoisDead


    o7 the Guamenese Air Force lost a BIG load with you leaving ;( You will receive discharge papers later thank you for your service!
  7. Ticket Number or cap.
  8. Than report it when it happens.
  10. @ Caden  Congrats on wiki contributor 

  11. balls
  12. @ nicole throws her headset at her dog.

    1. Ruan


      Ight... now i am gonna send my African warlords..

  13. Anyone selling EOD Tarkov account. 

  14. oh my gosh Ryan, you're so generous for a Jewish guy who doesn't celebrate Christmas!
  15. Happy Birthday @ jig young shooter is growing up 😈


    Eta on da bob? server skins been zzz ever since this drop....

  17. LETS GO!
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