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Everything posted by destruct

  1. Bruh do you know how electoral colleges work? Larger states are still the ones that matter A LOT with electoral colleges. Electoral colleges are given out to states respective of the states' population, because the amount of electoral votes a state has is made up of the amount of senators a state has (every state has 2) and the amount of representatives a state has (every state has atleast 1, and then it's based on population) Ex) Florida has 24 electoral votes and Wyoming has 3 electoral votes. Once a presedential election goes down, each state's electoral colleges votes for either president (hopefully based on their constituent's votes), and then in most states, whoever got the majority of electoral votes in that state gets ALL of the electoral votes. Say, Florida's electoral votes go like this: 13 for Candidate A and 11 for Candidate B. Candidate A would receive all 24 electoral votes. After that, first Candidate to 270 electoral votes wins.

    provided in status updates for e-clout

  3. Yo wtf


    1. Noahhh!


      They tryna lift your Minecraft addiction.

    2. Monks


      that lady is addicted to yoga

  4. destruct


    see ya, o7 good luck in your future endeavours!
  5. o7 @SecTranLive you were a great one, good luck in your future endeavours.

  6. Minecraft server probably out tommorrow. Going to be factions with a pinch of a bedwars feel.

  7. Testing plugins on a minecraft server like


    1. Strae


      It's tradition at this point.


  8. Pretty much vanilla MC Factions 1.16.1 server incoming

  9. The new steam profile customization is not bad:


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. destruct


      Lol I've had that shit on there for the longest time

    3. Cale


      is satisfactory fun @destruct?

    4. destruct


      4 minutes ago, Cale said:

      is satisfactory fun @destruct?

      Yeah all of my hours are on the epic games launcher because that's where it came out originally a year ago, but, it's a really awesome game if you're into that type of stuff

  10. Didn't we just do this like two days ago
  11. Due to recent events and player reports that have been submitted, It has been the policy of the Olympus administrative staff for a few months now that creating a player report on someone with evidence gethered from their own stream (could be classified as 'self-reporting') will not be processed. The only exception to this policy is if the person reporting is the same person that is affected in-game. Furthermore, if the streamer makes reasonable attempts on-stream/off-stream to rectify the situation, they can receive a reduced ban or no ban at all, to the discretion of the staff member handling the player report. This is to alleviate the stresses of streaming Olympus. Thank you, Olympus administrative staff
  12. Your logo is nice but if you think anyone's buying one of those tshirts lol
  13. A peek at a minecraft project I'm workin on 49UFXFn.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Roach1


      looks shit kys

    3. TheHeroNoob


      looks dope af, whats it for?

    4. destruct


      1 hour ago, TheHeroNoob said:

      looks dope af, whats it for?

      A server I'm working on for nostalgia's sake 🙂

      Probably will most likely revolve around PvP.

  14. Nah he called me inactive (which is a bit true yeah)
  15. Seems like my activity is unparalleled in comparison to someone who can't join the server.
  16. Hm if you don't understand why you're banned yet, maybe you shouldn't be unbanned
  17. If you've happened to use a betting exploit and you'd like to come forward before you get fucked, message me.

  18. Just a quick PSA that it is no longer allowed to own more than one gang shed for a singular gang/clan/organization group per server. This means that you can't create 'fake' gangs on alternate accounts or via other means in order for a singular gang/clan/organization group to own more than one gang shed/server.
  19. I haven't read this post yet and will respond later because it seems I've been @'d like 4 times, but from the original post, seems like a lot of talking out of the ass.
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