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Status Replies posted by Strae

  1. @Strae fuck you weeb, happy birfday

  2. anyone a high rank on siege and wanna play

  3. @HuntK_

    Tune in he is not playing Olympus, Because he is banned but still come watch.

  4. can we have free mk18 and mk1 loudouts

  5. Quit Olympus lost virginity 3 days later coincidence?

  6. Need your profile looking professional and or pimped out? Look no further, I can make you stand out, for a price. Not only pimping out Olympus profiles...now expanding to other social media platforms too! PM me for details. 

  7. whats the point of having a chief that doesn't follow the handbook.

    I swear he is the one who rights it.

    if he cant follow his rules then im sure he can follow oly rules, lets give him mod!

  8. anyone down for a big bet ?

  9. I am now accepting donations to reinstate the mar-10 god to his former glory. Need a Dms mar-10 and supp

  10. @Retard Hey man hows it going?

  11. Pimping peoples profiles today. Guala guala :3

  12. top quality picks


    1. Strae


      6 minutes ago, McDili said:

      Strae you’re just arguing this point for the sake of trying to paint a specific picture of goat. You don’t actually care about this, just go back to calling each other retards and fags please. 


      Also so you never saw me being toxic while active staff? Cause I was very toxic much of the time. 

      Don't think i was really active in the community / forums when you were owner

      4 minutes ago, McDili said:

      You need to understand the rule is there for extreme situations so staff have authority to punish for it at their discretion. It’s not so they can go ban someone who calls someone else an idiot. Use your head dude. 

      Like again i don't know how many times i have to repeat my point, if a player sees staff doing it they will think its ok, when this player tells someone who's actually disabled and actually reports him then the player will say that because other people were doing it and not getting punished then he shouldn't get punished for that as all players are treated equally ?

      on real high key shit its 11:20 and i have to go to college tomorrow so bye love you all friends, maybe we can continue this same time tomorrow

    2. (See 62 other replies to this status update)

  13. top quality picks


    1. Strae


      Just now, EatMeth said:

      So are you saying only staff members should have this rule apply to them? your whole point is how it looks bad as new player but it looks just as bad for you since you are also in a position of power like what?

      Don't know how i said it should only apply to staff and if you did get that idea then sorry, you got the wrong idea. Point is if it doesn't apply to staff then new players or just regular players will think its okay to call people a retard and when they call someone who is actually disabled and reports him they will think its fine because if it doesn't apply to staff then it doesn't apply to normal players because staff aren't over rules right ?

    2. (See 62 other replies to this status update)

  14. top quality picks


    1. Strae


      Just now, an overweight giant retard said:

      ban appeal denied: i wasn't staff


      And would a new player keep track of / know exactly when you got staff ? tbh its better to just avoid saying it overall, unless yknow staff can just not follow some rules and get away with it

    2. (See 62 other replies to this status update)

  15. top quality picks


    1. Strae


      2 minutes ago, an overweight giant retard said:


      BAN HIM! BAN HIM!!

      Ban appeal: "Well i saw moderator goat do it! there's no way that if staff can do it i can't! There's no way staff are above the rules!"


      9 minutes ago, Strae said:

      but as of right now this is one of the first times I'm seeing it happen from an active staff member


    2. (See 62 other replies to this status update)

  16. top quality picks


    1. Strae


      1 minute ago, Dante said:

      I’m not arguing if it’s right or wrong, just don’t get why you now find issue with it but not the million times it’s happened over the years. 

      I've never seen it been said by an active staff member before, if it has happened then i guess I'm blind, but as of right now this is one of the first times I'm seeing it happen from an active staff member, maybe I'm taking it way out of proportions but its definitely something that shouldn't be explicitly said by a staff member on the forums 

    2. (See 62 other replies to this status update)

  17. top quality picks


    1. Strae


      As this point has been used before many times in other situations, just because other people have done it and it hasn't been dealt with it still doesn't mean its not a problem they probably think that just because staff are doing it then its fine but when it happens to someone who may be actually disabled it will become a problem, a problem that can easily be avoided if this didn't happen, and if sr admin / owners are doing it then again x4 why is it in the rules. To my knowledge just being staff doesn't put you above the rules.

    2. (See 62 other replies to this status update)

  18. top quality picks


    1. Strae


      And again x3, When a new player sees a mod calling someone a retard he will think its not against the rules and do it to multiple people until he hits someone who's actually maybe disabled, then he gets reported and says "Goat did it, i can do it too!"

    2. (See 62 other replies to this status update)

  19. I like fat rabbits

  20. top quality picks


    1. Strae


      Brings us back to the old point, if its a rule that's written on the server rules and it apparently doesn't have any kind of trouble then why is it in the rules ?

    2. (See 62 other replies to this status update)

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