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APD Officer
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Status Replies posted by Strae

  1. Abuses admin powers to fight cartels :Kappa:

  2. Looking for a gw roster hmu

  3. guns hot ghosthawk wave 1 of fed, dogshit server

  4. PSA: After then 10+ duping bans hashed out today, please feel free to come clean to an admin / senior developer in teamspeak OR a forums PM if you are involved in duping in anyway or have obtained duped items before we find out. Do it to save yourself to prevent a heavy and extensive ban.

    Thank you!

    (anyone who comes to us about reporting another player or turning themselves in are kept anonymous)

  5. Got my 1st triple kill with the plane, and I wasn't recording. fml

  6. Wheres my congrats? 


  7. World hunger is a myth because I ate breakfast this morning

  8. Thank you To Every Senior/Cop That played with me and helped me Get Where I am in the APD.

    Thanks to @Dante For Thinking I could be a good Corporal

    @ThatNerdyGuy Thanks for all the Good Times Rapid Response on mushroom with @Kden and @Lil Cy

    And Thanks For the Test Cutie @hawk

    Don't Worry im not leaving Just Stepping down from Corporal 

  9. congrats @Strae. Have fun lasering kids with your own ghosthawks.

  10. @Strae Did you just donate your wheat farm?


  11. Anyone wanna make me a cool picture for my profile cover photo?

  12. fun fact. I have had cpl for 2 hrs, have participated in 2 feds, haven't got a lethal and have wrecked 4 helis 2 being rammed by civs. dope

  13. Gotta love when a well known member of the community suggest the best way change to the APD is to stop buffing the APD. Great suggestion man! Perfect detail!

  14. 56CF1FC070DE73558C74116C2BA45B92ACE76420

    apd wins again :pog:

  15. 56CF1FC070DE73558C74116C2BA45B92ACE76420

    apd wins again :pog:

  16. If POs get p90s, the new fed meta for cops would just be rush gate 2 no stop

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