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Everything posted by Lucki

  1. @Corporal_moob only 21?! What... and @Rusty is only a year younger? Happy Birthday guys, but you make me feel old... Well not Rusty, I thought he was maybe 15.

    1. Rusty


      15 LOL its just my mic that makes me sound younger lol, i sound a lot different than i do in ts :) but thanks 

    2. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      I'm 31 so.... there's that. :( 

  2. Counterintuitive but some of the settings give better frames if you put them on high. If you keep them on low, it'll run from your cpu, but by putting them on high or ultra, it gets offloaded to your GPU. So don't be surprised if you see some tips that tell you to do just that.
  3. I'm still convinced that its vehicle textures considering you hear about it most when a police vehicle comes into the scene. I never had texture bugs until our vehicle textures got updated, and with the last few updates it's only gotten worse. Have you guys considered doing some "in-house" testing? Maybe have 1 server be "normal" while the other server has significantly less objects, or radically simplified vehicle textures? Our Police vehicles used to be mostly "stock" skin with a couple of labels on it, now you'd be lucky if you found any of the original paint job on it.
  4. I guess this is the time of the year when a bunch of high schoolers learn about binary in their AP Computer Science class... All the Fedora wearing idiots decide its a much more sophisticated way to communicate because 1/2 the population doesn't know what binary is, and 7/16ths doesn't give a shit about translating it.
  5. Alright! Finally done with the semester... Which means I now have time to reformat my computer, install my new SSD, and finally get ARMA back up and running! Maybe even by tomorrow night

    1. big niko

      big niko

      See you get some phatty Mar-10 tazes :Kappa:

    2. CheeseGrater
    3. Sociopathic


      Nice, can't wait to stack your channel. :Kappa:

  6. 9 out of 10 shitty applicants fail. Id say like 50% fail total
  7. Jesus Christ, McDili.... They must treat you REAL well at this job. What are you doing with your old parts?
  8. Holy shit, that throwback. @Fat Clemenza, O7. I hope you stick around, but for some reason I feel like you're going to be like Brody, and only showing up once a month or two . Good luck with your future endeavors and your goals of being an RL cop. Make sure to put on your resume that you were a Chief of Police for an island... @Corporal_moob get to work on allowing Ghosthawks to engage ground targets.
  9. Nothing... I'm saying I live in the NW suburbs...
  10. Northwest suburbs. hah
  11. Which part of Chicago you live in?
  12. Can't tell if you're saying this because you live in Illinois, or because you somehow know I live in Illinois and spent a total of 5 hours on the toll roads today...
  13. Hahaha. You're still a kid. If you cant say that you remember a pre-9/11 world, you're a kid. Wait another couple years, pay a couple of bills. Then you can say you're not a kid.
  14. Instead of staying on the road , you pull off and try to do a u turn ? You obviously never watched speed
  15. The newest version of paint is utter shit compared to the older version. You're better off making stuff in powerpoint now...
  16. Your K/D?
  17. My cooperating teacher races cars. Like he's an instructor at one of those tracks that lets you take exotic cars on a race track. I think this proved that I own his ass. I convinced a dude I never met to deliver a pizza to me. But in reality, you're just jealous at how close knit of a squad Charlie is. #Charlie4Life
  18. @Pledgesaid he'd send me a pizza . I didn't believe him . Told him what school I work at , he delivered . I thought the picture would come out better , but it looks weird, oh well. Here's my mandatory thank you post . The science teachers also thank you . Oh @Pledge, I had the awkward situation of signing the receipt for the card. I scribbled something on there but forgot to cross out the tip / total boxes. I did give her a $5 tip of my own cash though... so hopefully she's not a cunt.
  19. Just make it a new way medics could earn money. "Coroner duties" You windows key a dead body and pick up a virtual item of "Deceased Body". A medic takes it back to a hospital and receives 5K/body for "cleaning up the streets"
  20. Couple years back when I was getting my EMT certification, I had to do some ER shifts as clinical observations. Halloween of 2011, I'm in a hospital that is in one of the worse parts of the city, they bring in this huge black dude into the ER. Gunshot wound which entered an inch lateral of his left nipple, and exited somewhere by his back right shoulder blade. Obviously DOA, but the hospital needs to at least try basic efforts to resuscitate him, among other things for about 2 minutes. Since I was the young EMT wannabe they had me doing the CPR on him as soon as they brought him in. I still distinctly remember how every time I compressed, he would have a bit of blood squirt out of the hole in his chest. His arm was hanging off the table and, in rhythm with the compressions, it would bump my knee. After the 2 minutes, they called it. We sat around for a couple minutes, the head doctor and surgeon were talking about zombies (referencing another patient). At one point he turns to the rest of the team and says "If that guy gets up, I'm bolting straight for the door and locking it, I don't give a shit how many of you are left in here." We all laughed, and that was about the time the cops walked in. Oddly enough, it didn't phase me, and my biggest concern was that I'd get his blood on my fairly new pants. Whenever I tell people that story, they say I'm bizarre for not really being affected by doing CPR on a bloody corpse, on Halloween night. That 8 hour shift had a LOT of interesting stories. Got thrown up on, saw a sharpie in pooper, an explosion victim... the works.
  21. This has been the case for over a month now. It'll be up in about 15 Poseidinutes
  22. @Peter Long, didn't realize you were only half a year older than me... Happy Birthday brosef.

    1. Moose


      You and Peter long are old as shit dont lie

    2. Tman15tmb


      I guess Lucki and I are about the same age haha.

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