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  1. @|Casper|
  2. I want to enter
  3. I better win
  4. making plague dsband smh 

  5. Hell Yh i wouldn’t mind dying for once
  6. Hey @Ryan can I be Kos for a month?
  7. Pilot covs in Warpoint shop for a month 

    no armour stacking please @Ryan

  8. Allow special characters for gang tags 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Bloodmoon


      ya dude, just press the button that allows special characters.

    3. Evannn


      lmao this has been wanted for so long  just like no rain and longer days

      devs just are braindead and have no idea what they are doing 


    4. billdroid


      I mean the gang tags thing doesn't need to happen maybe even the no night thing. but the rain man that shit needs to go

  9. dont watch urs then fatty
  10. Just watch all of mine
  11. @rapidaax another event today?

  12. Just proves Britain is better than America 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. MarveL


      bro you really need to have your mom stop sending me selfies

    3. Jerrod
  13. I heard plague got fucked we didn’t have are main roster on lol 

    good shit boys

  14. stop being a fanboy @Jerrod

  15. Page


    Accepted What about this one? Better than gabe and informing
  16. Page


    Plague mass recruiting
  17. Lets not forget this 

    Also think plague is getting mad


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Masonn


      oh shit when is Casper getting freed tho @|Casper| hmu for lawyer services 

      ngl even tho this is bad but not really bannable having someones IP either it's what you do with the IP

    3. Page


      btw no evidence on casper for ddosing but still banned

    4. billdroid


      yeah just like jerrod, unban casper and jerrod woohoo.

      Don't listen to buckie, his iq is negative

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