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John Wayne

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Everything posted by John Wayne

  1. Cop expense 360k in ghost hawk civ expense 700k? in titan + two missles
  2. Great update @McDili & Co.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RogueOvert


      I actually volunteered to be blown to Oblivion soooo.....

    3. Peter Long

      Peter Long

      Blaq Mold is no joking matter.

    4. Linka


      more like LIT rp server 

  3. Flashlight reduces recoil
  4. You can rotor tap any heli but if they blow up or die then you get banned. It also engages them to shoot at you. I’d imagine same rule about the shooting tire thing.
  5. Is there a free tshirt?
  6. I gave one away for pilot coveralls lol...
  7. I miss my berets... I had a lot stored in my house but arma decided to wipe all the clothing out of my crates.
  8. No rp here, just civs vs cops and roaches
  9. If the Sapd was so good they would’ve caught the mistake in the handbook since they “know it so well”. Maybe the whole handbook is a typo I dunno. I just follow the rules as they’re given... especially rules that the community is tested on.
  10. An LT issued search warrant on my house. At the time the apd handbook said Sgt+ may raid a house but it only said Sgt can issue a search warrant. I brought the issue up with the chief and the LT in question, beginning my statement with “do you follow the handbook to 100%” and he said yes. No punishment was brought into the LT even though he broke a rule. Goat just replied saying “what + sign??” Because he edited the handbook as we were talking. Point in short is, handbook changed on a whim to accommodate sapd/friend who broke a rule. If it were anyone less it would’ve been demotion or suspension.
  11. So what’s the answer boss. Because I was going to type exactly what Jesse said... it’s self defence at that point... I’d just have better aim.
  12. Always under the impression that shooting tires is ok. Wait for driver to shoot first then kill them.
  13. Make the server wide lottery like every hour and for the love of god remove coin flip if it fixes the lag
  14. Put a cool down on it, the Kavala spams are annoying
  15. I thought I read something about house crates being removed and everything going to windows key?
  16. Civs making 16mil but cops making 30mil

    cops get free load outs and vehicle discounts?

    Brken game

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DashTonic


      cops dont get discounts for vehicles 

    3. KrispyK


      i have to spend 300k on cars everyday bc kavala main.


    4. QKSILVR73


      40 minutes ago, KrispyK said:

      i have to spend 300k on cars everyday bc kavala main.


      quit parking in Kavala square. :P Go park on a side street


      40 minutes ago, KrispyK said:

      i have to spend 300k on cars everyday bc kavala main.


      quit parking in Kavala square. :P Go park on a side street


  17. 6.5 mags, pm me price, I’ll buy as much as I can carry
  18. Is this just going to be abunch of seamen or are any girls coming?
  19. just curious how you plan on trading a non illegal vehicle ...
  20. Why can’t vigi’s use the courthouse system @McDili hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    1. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      Ah 1 charge of Leo manslaughter, didn’t know it was part of it

  21. How much
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