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John Wayne

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Everything posted by John Wayne

  1. So if I'm driving the truck and see The first responding officer drive by with no lights or siren, I can shoot him and get back in the vehicle and continue driving? No engagement required even though there is no redzone?
  2. Lol so civs have to re engage on every apd member that shows up? Sounds silly
  3. pm me how much for the MXs
  4. I used to have two, now I have one. I don't think your going to bump Gary, moob or Peter out.
  5. MClympus Started with apd and has spread to this
  6. Moose it's about the same as all the staff/seniors. They play other games 90% of the time then pop on Olympus for 30 mins.
  7. Ya fuck mc wipe the points mc has to many
  8. No thanks. Your mxm prices are to unrealistic.
  9. I'll take the 5 mx's for 500k... aslong as they come with mags
  10. I want all mx variants and ammo. Lmk treasonable price
  11. Lmk @Nephew
  12. I want all those MXs and mags. Give me a fair price
  13. Shout out to all the twitch streamers that got banned for saving me 100 bucks. 

  14. 1mil for all tasers and mags
  15. I'll match his offer. Selling 10 @ 400k server 2
  16. If any deals fall through I will buy all MXs for 125k each. I collect a lot. Let me know
  17. Then why do they have such a hard time entering my house!
  18. How can a cop get in my locked ifrit, this is fail rp
  19. How do you know my name "its right over your head you retard" -mcdili
  20. dat ban wave

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. iPopsicle


      21 minutes ago, Tman15tmb said:

      Oh damn! What happened? Duping ban wave??


    3. Tman15tmb


      Hopefully not medics again? lol

    4. Sociopathic


      Hunter exploit would be my guess. 

      Infinite storage is a bitch I guess.

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