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Everything posted by Evann

  1. tp will always and forever be terrible
  2. guy needs to blow up

  3. what is this website thing saying it is your birthday

    that is my job, happy birthday tacosmell. go hit off some teamspeaks:Kappa:

  4. @Lukeee dont listen to them

    its @Xirie thats the braindead fucking monkey

  5. imagine being so happy to get unpermed on this server haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  6. i mean i thought you were annoying asf when i first talked to you in ts but you seemed like you were a chill person overall unban him cus the server needs players
  7. imagine viging

    then saying eta

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. x a n x

      x a n x

      That sounds like something monster would do lol

    3. monster


      5 minutes ago, lean said:

      That sounds like something monster would do lol

      For once, this wasn't me, only go on my vigi now adays to play rust

    4. Orgondo


      Now thats some Alpha shit right there

  8. someone give me a good cs tage song

  9. ohh ok so just one is being added and it iwll be moved around coolio
  10. so what im hearing is that kav rebel could be gone one restart and my house/gangshed could be completely useless cool not restart oops
  11. or my status updates

  12. so why cant i edit comments when i post on things anymore??

    1. 1-800TryHards


      You have a certain amount of time to edit something after you post it

    2. Evann


      yeah right after i post it i cant edit it

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