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Everything posted by Venomm

  1. Venomm


    big ego bro! Sad to see you go dude, hmu whenever if you want to chill.
  2. @ ZeRo congrats possibly black canadian

  3. CBP and ICE coming to @ Lime 's doorstep like
  4. profiling you only posted this because of his race, so sad that the world has come to this
  5. @ Peterr  cheater detector!

    1. Peterr


      peter cheater wife beater

  6. god why didnt we think to just disable the hackers?!?! this @ Fraali guy puts in way more work to this server than he's ever asked too, and people rarely ever recognize that. We have a total of about 5 people on the dev team plus the administrative staff team to start from a literal blank page to resolve issues like this man. People have been busting their asses off left and right so that these issues dont ever happen like they used too.
  7. @ Maddox  in da car 💯
    congrats dude

  8. I see no issue I get all my kills like this anyway
  9. Da dog on false allegations @ Masoooooooooon free my bruv innnit

    1. Zakaloko


      Yeah he too trash to be banned!!!

  10. hbd @ Alfie pro mar-10 printer

  11. chernobyl 2035 conq!?! @ Doc

  12. @ Cadenn  congrats on client perms! canadian 😄

  13. @ Doc  Congrats sweethart! ❤️

  14. Happy birthday combat medic @ PJ.

  15. same guy that called a civ a *certain word* while in custody
  16. @ Doc  18 Big mans! Happy birthday you weeb 😄

  17. Congrats droneboy @ Diamond_drop , now that your famous Lt. Snuggles is going to come out with allegations towards you.
    @ Tech @ Skys  happy birthday!

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