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Everything posted by Mudiwa

  1. 5 burger
  2. Bomos is now under rule of the Caliphate once again. Colonization is over

    @ Venomm @ Headless  @ Caden  @ Sploding Al ash-Sheikh  @ Lime  @ Mike Lit

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mudiwa


      @ Penguiny you need no introduction, even though u lost the keys to our great kingdom to colonizers 

    3. Penguiny


      i lost keys because i was banned for being a hood gangsta

  3. Best Asylum fed partner

    1. Gazz


      -1 downvotes me because im right

  4. Tequila gobler

    1. Lime


      El Jimador sends his regards

  5. Merry Christmas u monkeys
  6. You are a retard please jump off a bridge

  7. Ok cya guys in a week

  8. Angus Wangus Dangus has a ginormous schmeat 10/10

  9. Finally the most braindead person is gone. Cya dumb BITCH Bomos 1, Retard Anti 0 Good luck with the new job tho congrats
  10. I wasn't dropped on my head as a baby, that's why I don't A: say wierdchamp, B: have the time to play this retarded game 60 hours a week like you and C cry on the forms when I die. The guy who broke the rules is a legend and hilarious as fuck. Next time, he should consider body camping you and repeatedly killing you as your revived so you get even more mad over virtual pixels. If I ever see you in game, I'm tazing you and sending you straight to jail because your a dumbass. @Penguiny if you see this kid give him the 19546 Bomos special. He should
  11. You deserved it dont ever fuck with me and my group again bitch
  12. I just clicked redownload on Arma, be very afraid everyone. The Bomos flag will wave the streets of Kavala by the end of the weekend @Venomm @HeadLESS @Mike Lit @Penguiny @Lime @XnavrasX @ThatNerdyGuy
  13. If you never fucked with BOMOS??? Your grandma was a whore
  14. the love of my life

    1. ThatNerdyGuy
    2. Mudiwa



  15. Congrats on something idk what u did mike but everyone is saying congrats.

    1. notsodank


      I think he got corporal or something..

  16. If you say that, you probably fuck your sister and think its funny to call ChrisGG the n word
  17. yeah shut the fuck up literally go throw yourself off a cliff
  18. Shut up you fucking whore BOMOS FOREVA
  19. Should I come back? I have no idea if Olympus is fun anymore I work as a chief investment officer so my schedule is busy most times of the week and when I'm not working I'm doing school, catching up on sleep, or playing video games that arent aids like Arma. Let me know lads
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