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R&R Medic
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Overlord last won the day on January 18 2021

Overlord had the most liked content!


About Overlord

  • Birthday February 14

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  1. Excuse me. What the actual fuck? I decide to check in and all of a sudden this @ Lime bitch is the director of the R&R? @ Slumberjack you must of found a REALLY good strain. The idiot can hardly fly, let alone be a responsible human being

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Lime


      oopsie I done did it this time


    3. Overlord


      @ Lime Nah, just because you’re a dumbass doesn’t mean you’re at fault…. yet. My tone will change once you inevitably sink the R&R

    4. Rossco


      Day 1 of @ Lime  as Director and I got a 250k bounty on medic :))))



      Long live the director!

  2. I thought you were dead, luv you bud
  3. Well, the time has come for me to finally fully disappear from this community. I'm heading back to college and this isn't exactly a productive way to spend my time so it's time for me to o7 outta here. @Lime You're an idiot but you've been there since day #1 so I won't disparage your flying skills here. @Mike Lit Make-a-wish admin ego gtfo. But seriously keep up the good work and don't ban too many kids when you're drunk @Slumberjack You gave me my chance to work with the sR&R and I'll always appreciate it. You're a great director and I'm excited to see what you continue to do @David Miller Old man miller is finally a mod. Thanks for all the good times and dry jokes @Venomm Tryhard FTO kneepadder and shitter. fuck you @Fraali Your antics never ceased to amuse me, keep creating those bugs to piss people off @Rossco There is no denying you like midget fidget porn @ anyone else I forgot, love you guys keep being retarded
  4. Congrats big boy @Venomm


    Congrats @notsodank, sorry I couldn’t be there to welcome you!

  5. Congrats @Venomm!!!

    Big man has a Ghawk now 

    1. Venomm


      racism against @Mudiwa and his people will no longer hold a place here at the R&R

  6. Someone's salty they can't get a BW medic 


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Bloodmoon


      Medics don't follow their own rules and only get slaps on the wrist for breaking them, nothing new here.

    3. Overlord


      @Bloodmoon last time I checked, jumping in my Ghawk and flying away is valuing my life. Don’t get ahead of yourself

    4. Bloodmoon


      Regardless of whatever you did, medics still only receive slaps on the wrist for breaking extremely easy to follow rules.

  7. Oh hell yes @1thedoc, #1 sAPD

  8. Wtf, I go on vacation for 2 days and @Mike Lit gets admin?! Congrats boiiii!!

  9. Is this why you spend most of every month creating new bugs for the updates?
  10. Here’s an idea: Selfffff control. It’s quite necessary in life
  11. Congrats @Cooper:P!!!! Big man fulfilling his ultimate dreams!

    1. Cooper:P


      indeed  i did!

      Thank you

  12. Shiiit, we have to give @Jig a supervisor whitelist now? My worst fears have been realized. Congrats big dawg

    1. jig


      Thanks! No reactions left

  13.  @Venomm where tf do you find the time to be #1 in cop hours and #6 in medic hours?...

    You're a try hard kid gtfu :feelsweirdman:


    jk much luv ❤️

    1. Venomm


      i have a problem

    2. Millennium


      Lacking on support team tho. Tisk tisk tisk

    3. Lime


      He's just gud 4hed @Overlord

  14. I’ve never been on Asylum, this was the first altis life server I’ve ever been on and they won’t let me leave.... Help me
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