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GhostFace last won the day on April 14 2019

GhostFace had the most liked content!

About GhostFace

APD Officer
Olympus Plus
  • Birthday 01/26/1995

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. xlax bought me schmedium condoms and mcdonalds
  2. surprised that ford actually pulled it
  3. yes my good sir?
  4. @ Snare and @ honeybooboo were the best players to ever touch olympus!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GhostFace


      nobody  beat ERIC with a rook joined rooked 2 ghosthawk gunners then became a lagsterbater

    3. SPBojo


      You do have a valid point there, dont think ive seen Rook'ing like that ever since

    4. Snare
  5. lets try again in 2021 f2511c5b85c53126ab48ed036d9ccac4.png

  6. wonder if its allowed yet?6987d0d1906c68106f7309ed8a964b77.png

  7. bad game good drama

  8. This guy is one of the best players on this server, he is now my best friend I CANNOT WAIT until we meet at his house irl next month!!!!!

  9. To come out of retirement or not.. :thinking:

    1. John Wayne

      John Wayne



      it’s worse


      than you could even imagine

    2. SPBojo


      Waste of time. 

  10. that was meant for asylum forums

    my b

  11. Don't Worry, ill still carry you in overwatch with my healing from time to time!
  12. It saddens me to say that after about 5 years of playing on the servers, My time to finally call it quits has arrived, I've tried multiple times to continue to stay and play on occasion, But to me I don't get the same enjoyment out of the server that I used to get. So I'm moving on to better things and seeing what unfolds down the road, It's been an honor to be able to play with each and every one of you, And I'm internally grateful to those who made the years such a pleasant and fun run, And giving me a home away from home. Thank you for everything. A few shouts to people who have been some of the best friends i could of ever had on the server. @Corporal Moob- For being one of the greatest leaders to every lead and for being a shitty Brazilian fuck, But not only being a great leader but being a true and dear friend, @Fat Clemenza- For being one of the shittest chiefs, Also for being another great friend on and off the server. @Kanger - For being the stinky Russian and always getting me outta situations with your piloting skills. @Decimus - For being my first demotion when i hit LT. "who the fuck is the right gunner" also for being a shitty goth farming simulator. @Virus - For actually teaching me how to play cop. @Huskers - For being one of the few chill meatheads out there, That i actually enjoyed playing. @Zurph - For being an awful leader, But giving me a chance in plague even though the mans called me brain dead. @bdj - For that lisp. That got my monitor soaked every time you talked. But also being a chill dude no matter what gang you were in. @Otown - For being one of the most enjoyable people to play the game with. @McDili - For the countless no balls and great times i've had with you man. @Peter Long - For being fat as fuck when you were in MC and still being fat as fuck afterwards but also for being a great friend and showing me barbs tits. @Haylzz - For being the most retarded duper, I've ever encountered in my life, But also putting up with my bullshit everyday. @Benjison - For being another retarded duper, But for letting me come in and chill with EXE. boys whenever i wanted, @DABESTeva - For being my babe every step of the way. And screaming at each other 24/7 @Nurse Lou - For being one of my favorite people on the server and being the most chill person i've ever countered talking about weed and girls 24/7 you da man. @swervy - For Being the GB God, and another chill dude @Pinkstreak - For being one of the few girls that have ever came to the server that wasn't annoying or fell into the whole E realtionshp thing. IE decimus and mita weird as fuck but whatever @Viper- For being the most annoying plane pilots. But a very chill guy @Xeltini - For always being my boy no matter what gang or what he was doing, Some great memories with this man, @Ryan - For being another shit silverspoon child, But overall another great dude to hangout with. @Proud - For teaching me hot to play seige and for being a chill dude on arma and his constant vaping snapchats. If i forgot any of you, I do apologize, These are just the ones that had the most impact in my time playing, But if i forgot you i would like to thank you for you're time spend either roleplaying,Fighting,chilling and talking, Or playing some other shit dead game with me, That's all for now. Once again thank each and every one of you for the time and experince you have given me. But for the last time GhostFace Signing off See you motherfuckers later!
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. djdarkmunk


      i pay for 100 down and 10 up


    3. Richard



      Are you guys showing your home internet speeds or your phone?

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