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Everything posted by Masonn

  1. Close call today Boys almost got my entire cheating scam uncovered 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Masonn


      if you call him in TS let him know i was using cheat 1D10T 

      Also asked everyone who has ever spoke to Batcan to get themselves tested.

      Mans really come at me at 6am in the morning whilst i was still in my slippers no respect

    3. Lucien



      I should probably be tested for corona virus I guess

    4. epicgamer233


      drown in urinal lucien, you're infecting me with autism

  2. Masonn


    o7 brother you best hop in TS from time to time so i can moan down the mic to you.
  3. My mum told me to never trust ginger people mumma was correct

  4. Sometimes it really do be like that

  5. How do conquest cut %'s work?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Drippp



    3. Masonn


      Got more then you did at the gas station tonight retard

    4. billdroid


      The gas station is busy af rn the coronavirus is good for business. Don’t know why we didn’t think of releasing this earlier

  6. Olympus 2 be moving like Asylum rn.

  7. @Asylum player when we saving the boy timmy

  8. Masonn

    Happy birthday brother Lawler

    1. Vcx


      Thank you brother 

  9. Thank you for a lovely valentine's night! 

  10. Congrats Walt well deserved!

    1. WALT


      Thanks brother mason, I’ll make you proud

  11. Patch would of been out already if yall accepted my senior dev app just saying.

    1. WALT


      +1 mason statham for developer

    2. Masonn


      Senior developer*

    3. buckie
  12. @Cale has officially been suspended from the Lawler brotherhood. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dolphy


      @Linka honeybastards I think


    3. Linka


      @Dolphy ive never hated someone more than that kid

    4. billdroid


      @Linka nothing is more true 🙏 

  13. Server 1 DP3 garage DM offers.
  14. SMH Cale didn't submit my hard carries Tox and Batcan
  15. Anyone got a picture of what the dazzle ghosthawk looks like ?

  16. @Ryan pre and post game shit talk between leaders plz.
  17. Jerrod is a convicted ddoser, and has been banned since Oct. 29. I believe that shutting one's internet in order to win a fight in Arma 3 is quite drastic, and I condemn Jerrod's actions. Several people have recently been unbanned, and many think Jerrod's ban should be lifted. However, a general warning to the Olympus community about Jerrod is that he is still an avid ddoser. I strongly advise the Olympus staff to keep this ban in effect due to the very likely repercussions that would occur from unbanning Jerrod.

  18. Considering every arma skin I do ends up 50 times better when I put the main colour to white I'm gonna have to go with white
  19. Smh still not allowing the Lawlers their main roster.
  20. So made another IFRIT skin pretty basic design but lemme know what you think

    Also probs gonna try doing a Orca or piece of clothing next so lemme know if you have any suggestions.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Drippp
    3. Scold


      Could use som white accents on the body, eyes contrast too much with the rest

    4. Masonn


      @Civak I'll probs give it a try during the week or something but just looking at the way skins texture on Heli's the amount of design you can do is pretty limited sadly

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