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Everything posted by 555555555

  1. if olympus was real rabid & monster would sit together holding hands in McDonalds 24/7
  2. what xd ? I never cheated lmfao, get off my dick you random obese boy, you're retarded
  3. I come and hang around forums cuz Its fun to see what retards like you have to say. I didnt sneak into DB as "rank 0", before I got permed and quit I turned into a kavala scat and had fun wit them so idk what ure barking about
  4. nigga u joined in 2020 and u call me a rando + ure flexing hours? good for you lil homie, have 1000x my hours for all I care, I got a wife and a kid and a good life, what do u got besides your arma 3 hours? bum ass nigga smh


  6. shut up rando he's probably civ council for runs or vigis too lmao
  7. who even is this anti kid? Imagine defending an obese pedo, yikes.
  8. @ Mako Hey man it seems people don't really like you? But its good, you are Ryan's good friend!!!! YOU WILL REMAIN IN POWER !!!!

    1. buckie


      Last time I checked you don’t need to be liked by anyone except staff to be a staff member. Maybe if you sucked some cock 3 years ago u would be staff too

    2. 555555555


      No thanks, why would anyone in their right mind wanna staff a breeding ground for pedophiles and lifeless fat boys? Jesus @ buckie I expect u to know

    3. buckie


      @ xanx  r u calling me fat yikers. You’d make a nice balloon animal, a nice big bar 

  9. @ Kamikaze happy b-day fellow BW member!!!

  10. OmG WhIcH admin made my arma 3 life forum rep -1k ;( what am I gonna do now?

  11. What in the fuck did I just read my nigga
  12. Is it worth coming back to arma? Even tho I'm 1 month away from getting a baby girl? I kinda miss all the fun, but I highly doubt I'd be able to play as much so idk

    1. NokiaStrong


      A fun pastime is great but when the time comes, don’t let it take away from the special moments in life. 

    2. 555555555


      @ NokiaStrong oh hello fellow BW member lol, how are you doing, how's life?
      Yeah idk, I doubt i'd be coming back since time is not on my side at all and my priorities are different, but I will see if they let me be a cop and might hop on now and then just to see how stuff is going.

    3. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      if you enjoy being spinned on OG, return asap

  13. you're not making it past first round either so idk why u talkin ?
  14. If medics win then remove APD, split RnR in half and send the other half to a new Armed Medic Police Force faction, basically medics with guns I put all of my faith into the boys @Mercury @Prime @Coffee @Fusionz @Secret Agent OG UA gang leader ♥, boys you got it, it's easy win. BW> TI , Plague > Prime. Finals BW > Plague... after that we'll see.
  15. 989fbe607fd6585720929fe484246fe4.png
    So sad to see Grim will not make it past round 1 ;( rip

    1. Bongo Bongo Bongo

      Bongo Bongo Bongo

      That's going to be a fun match to watch. 

  16. Word on the street is that @Childish has the GW bracket done.
    Boys you know what to do ! 
    @Childish  @Childish
    @Childish @Childish
    @Childish @Childish
    @Childish @Childish

  17. Yo im comin too time to stab another person
  18. @Bojo @Toasty 
    "It has been determined that the officer(s) involved have not violated any part of the Server Rules or APD Handbook and no rules have been broken here. If you feel that this is incorrect, please reference the server rules and the APD Handbook before contacting a Senior APD or Staff member about this issue. 

    I'm not going to punish or ban anyone if the door is open on their screen."

    k lol lmao this is epic

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. SPBojo


      Il make sure to remember that doing stuff like this is allowed if i ever jump in game again, the least i can do is spread the word to my boys that they now are allowed to be exploiting as long as it dosent look like exploiting on their screen.

    3. 555555555


      @Bojo That's exactly what I said, if it aint a exploit on my screen im doin it.

    4. Dank MeeMoo

      Dank MeeMoo

      It just be like that chief, I couldn’t count how many times a kavala scat has shot me from their house expecting for us to have to bolt cut in only for me to see the Backdoor open 

  19. Come watch me play cs:go after 6 months of inactivity lmao, prolly wont play alot since im toxic asf


  20. Where my weeabos at ? :wub:

    Im editing this scene with same song when I get time, prolly on weekend, promise.

    1. 555555555


      @Gf. I know u watched the whole thing and ur pp went hard :Kappa:

    2. bigSMOKE


      how you going to be so edgy talk about killing people, being the name xanx etc then watch anime bruh gtfo 

  21. So appereantly, he did nothing wrong???? Using a bug to your advantage = EXPLOITING, right? This some tough bullshit...
    @tacosmell I called the PO a pedophile cuz he was getting close to me lmao don't get trigerred you know I got nothing against you, I always loved playing cop with you, ya mong...


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. 555555555


      @Bojo it obviously is but they aint doin shit....

      They put the report on hold lmao

    3. Brennan


      You should be comped and there should be no action on cop.

    4. Tacosmell


      Lmao an admin and a mod said he could do it

  22. Put the faggot back into his place, gj man! +1 one on that ! Man loves cartels and hates apd, its literally a dream come true.
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