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Status Updates posted by Evannnnn

  1. clearing out some storage if anyone wants to lose some brain cells


  2. if any texture designers want to help me out with converting paa's to png/jpeg it would be greatly appreciated im kinda slow 🙂

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. doubleueyeceekay


      youre a rust player named evan my life is great

    3. Mako



      .png -> .paa without opening tools

      As stated, if you're trying to save something as a .png all you have to do is save the file as a .png extension with it open in the texView editor.

      If you need assistance with a template .PSD I'm sure something can be worked out, just PM me.

    4. Milo


      The link that @ Mako  sent is great. I don't oftentimes need to do a whole lot of PAA conversion but when I do I definitely use that tool. It allows you to do a bunch in bulk at once and it processes them all on the client so you don't have to wait on a server or worry about what you are downloading.

      Something also worth noting about PAAs that a lot of people don't realize going in is that their formatting specifications can be quite picky. If you try to convert an image that is not of a 2^x / 2^y resolution it will error out. Basically just meaning it has to be something like 32*32 or 64*64. Although all of that is basically the gist of it, more details like max res and other stuff can be found in the bohemia wiki here.

    1. Ryan


      representing my people 1 ad at a time 🙂 

  3. change spawn last hq to spawn closest hq

  4. never fails to amaze me that people are still on this shitstain of a game

    1. Big Boss Fredo

      Big Boss Fredo

      You think @ Ryan cares? You goofy nigga ur a champion donator he laughin to the bank with your tears 

    2. Evannnnn


      gargle and drown on more of his cum 

    3. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Arma is addictive man. 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. buckie


      @ Mane  i think the droid army be lookin for you, need some reprogramming 

    3. syndrome
    4. Gazz


      that about sums up your tinder game @ Mane +L

  6. @ Aceee congrats buddy



    how much for a corporal rec tho?

  7. fuck you @ Zahzi  lying piece of shit 

  8. r.i.p a legend


  9. Happy thanksgiving you greasy fat fucks

  10. @ ThatNerdyGuy do you believe in third chances 🥺🥺

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ThatNerdyGuy


      I don’t even remember why you’re banned

    3. Evannnnn


      @ ThatNerdyGuy does that mean im back? 🧐:)

    4. Brolaf


      Overturn the ban! If Nerdy can't remember why he's banned, its not important!!!

  11. @ DeadPool milliseconds before total destruction 


  12. @PUREPK TTV not sure why your getting hate but what else is new...                                                                                                 (-.-) retard

  13. short lived but a good run, pce gamers


    1. Venomm



    2. mOE


      still selling wps

  14. smells like shit in here

  15. eat shit retard

    1. Venomm


      K | Evan out here shit talkin 

    2. Mane


      Your mom ate my shit last night kid

  16. dude threw his mouse to mars https://gyazo.com/7200f81960ec6233f825bdd64e5ecb55 

    1. Mason Harrison

      Mason Harrison

      Mans wasnt expecting two rifles to blow him away lmao

  17. dont be gone too long @Sho-Time 😞

  18. hbd @gomby @Lucien


    honorable mentions: @Ryan @TheCmdrRex 

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