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About Robinhood

  • Birthday October 20

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  • Olympus Gang
    fuck vigis
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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. There is no possible way you guys are still playing this game. its been over 3 years since this thing was poppin and youre all still here. incredible

    1. Josh


      2417c69228d928743142eaa7a1bad731.png Its full everyday...

    2. swrvy


      there are still freaks who pay for cheats and take shit seriously, sad existence

    3. Ziggyuwu


      based take


      also whens the next vigi guide coming out?

  2. Congrats on getting admin caden. miss you

  3. what was that one kids name that was on house arrest for stabbing someone? he was like german or something and did that weird ass anime voice and made those overedited ass montages and was in like 50 gangs?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. CocoisDead


      Cant forget when him and some random guy on facebook were having a "edgy" edit battle 

    3. Ronin


      i miss him that was exciting

    4. monster


      i still have a video of him doing some retard shit but ill get restricted for posting it cause of racism 😞

  4. good lord you guys are STILL here?

    1. Ronin


      it's not what it looks like!

    2. SPBojo
  5. suck me nob big daddy ryan

    1. Ryan


      Hey man all I said was ask next time 😞 

  6. not even olympus staffs' egos are this fragile 


    1. milos inflated dev2 ego

      milos inflated dev2 ego

      has dayz changed that much or is it modded

  7.  imagine being so angry you report someone after getting tased by 9mm and losing a frit @Bloodmoon

  8. someone rewrite that thing or let me edit.
  9. have a good one buddy
  10. yikes

    1. Fake Grandma

      Fake Grandma

      Oh no, vigi scum is back 

    2. Skorch


      @Fake Grandma as much of a biased retard you were on staff, we enjoyed fucking with you

    3. Robinhood


      @Fake Grandma aww glad to see youre still here buddy. 

  11. All bias aside, there's no hard evidence against rashad. Every RDM report needs video evidence, so why is this instance any different? Not only that, outcast admitted to being wrong by saying he'd lift the ban.  I have nothing against outcast, but seeing how you guys are handling this is just embarrassing. Unban the poor fuck and move on, it's just a game.

    1. Ryan


      Bruh he was unbanned like an hour and a half ago lmao 

  12. 15k per mx taser. or i mean go on cop and drop like 20 in a car and have a friend go store them like we did
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