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Lincoln Williams

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Everything posted by Lincoln Williams

  1. you don't even like me pooper wouldn't give me no millions
  2. This is why you're not S+R
  3. Thank you all for the o7's and no I won't be a returning character. I've had my fill of Arma....time to move on.
  4. Welp.....it's finally time. Since 2014 I have been rummaging thru this game RPING the shit out of even the little bunnies running across the road. Fast forward to 2019 and guess what.....same fucking bunny running across the road. The only thing that is different now vs. then is the lack of roleplay from other people. I still get my fix RPING as a medic and do enjoy it....but I can't commit to this anymore. Arma is dying and I can't be bothered to play it. I'm not gonna do a bunch of shoutouts cause c'mon lets be real....You didn't like me cause I made you stand there for 10minutes while I yelled at you as a cop for not using your blinker lol. Or forced you to deal with the fact that a emergency sex change was needed to revive you.....enjoy your vagina's btw. Furthermore I have found my RP to travel over to GTA Rp.....so essentially I'm just moving Lincoln Williams. I love you all....I def had some good and bad memories here....Keep shooting each other.... Lincoln Williams - 10-7
  5. Perm blacklist lol... even from hackers pov
  6. The pooper has spoken
  7. That's one pro. But not enough to make me a fan of the entire project. Sorry
  8. #lincoln for corporal? 

















    This is where the stupid posts go correct?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Evann


      lincoln killed me with an mk1 while he was on medic

    3. Lincoln Williams

      Lincoln Williams

      @Evann thats metagaming sir, gonna have to report you. 







    4. NexIV


      lmao yeah dood Lincoln is pretty serious, hes a great roleplayer and should be a corporal Pledge cause all your current corporals are awkward people that dont roleplay often

      Alright wheres my $10 paypal lincoln

  9. Civ can check registration of vehicles..... why? Lite rp is lite rp but cmon... this is a no brainer for many reasons. I feel this needs to be removed for multiple reasons. I'll list 3 then would love a counter or a reason why this is even a option. 1. Player a kills player b. Player b respawns and decides to be a prick and find any vehicle with player a name or gang to destroy, chop, etc. 2. Vigi parks vehicle in kavala and begins chasing random bounty. Random civ checks registration, recognizes vigi name, disables car. Now vigi and possible bounty at more risk. 3. "I hate this person" .......so civ interacts with car belonging to said hated person (cop, medic, etc) even though new life, etc etc. I don't find any value in this addition outside of knowing if it's your car and even then spamming unlock has never been a issue. Please feel free to explain it.
  10. Yes, because @Ares told all the devs to ignore the hacks and let them keep happening instead of working every angle to fix them. 

    Removing him for @Jesse because of the "current state" would be stupid. Jesse did good shit but if he really cared about the server he would offer a fix if he had one instead of trying to create more turmoil. 

    I don't necessarily think ares is perfect but it's not like he created this hack that is currently causing the server hell. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup
    3. maxg


      @Peter Long come back, we need you if we want olympus to last another couple of years

    4. Jesse


      I would just come from a competitor and be like here have a fix to your issue? Especially when there is posts saying "We have a solution.. blah blah"??? Like what? Fusah knows the issue from our Snapchat conversation last night. Also, no one here told me about the issue, it was actually an Asylum staff member who told me. No one here has reached out to me for help with it? Why should I just walk in to the restaurant that treated me like shit not too long ago and make my own food?

  11. You def got good friends that willingly give you 60 million. Just saying.
  12. I don't think they will roll it back until a fix is implemented by either bohemia or our devs. Which means it could be 2hrs for rollback or 2 weeks.
  13. I agree. I refuse to play atm cause I'm part of the select group who hasn't been cursed with the money. They really only have two options though. Rollback or reset. Either one will hurt but they have their backs against the wall with little to no choice in the matter. They clearly are trying to take the less painful but no matter it won't be perfect. Just have to wait and see the results.
  14. I read it. In its entirety. And I agree with him on a lot of points. Communication being the biggest one.
  15. Failed my PO test today.... think the Sgt was more disappointed about it than I was.... does no one take me serious about just wanting roleplay? Rank means nothing if you have fun where you are. 



    Disclaimer: .....in no way am I saying rules don't matter. In my defense there were a lot of questions that I haven't had a lot of time dealing with. It is what it is for me and hopefully all you gun hungry cops get your ranks ;)

  16. Yay!!! One less bots!!! Lol good luck moon.... thanks for being nice to medics
  17. this is bullshit!!! Unban mystery kid as this is a normal thing now!!! Wanted to join in on the bring back downvote movement by reviving old posts for no reason. But still... unban the troll.
  18. waddup
  19. Nah was too busy playing satisfactory.... which I hate y'all for now

  20. I wanna talk to the corn guy.... hopefully there's a good story behind that
  21. Medics are the worst....
  22. But but......I would cry!! #removecivs
  23. Rofl!!! If that was you last night.... standing under crate while being dropped is never bueno. I was laughing hard enough I couldn't be bothered to do anything else.
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