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Everything posted by FalseBit

  1. I don't think this post went as planned for the OP. Now says they made the post intentionally for bad rep? Yea, okay. Delusional thinking that they're helping "clean" the server when the OP is in-fact the problem with the server: toxicity. Who submits a player report for 50k comp? Let alone on a medic. I looked at the gyazo and it didn't even look intentional. Your just being a child. Grow up.
  2. Congrats on Owner

  3. Nah it's great now.
  4. Signature is not long enough... Oops...
  5. 2/29/19
  6. Leaving Kavala as Medic


    1. drama


      Seeing a medic actually outside kavala*

    2. monster


      1 hour ago, Drama said:

      Seeing a medic actually outside kavala*

      seeing a medic with bets disabled*

  7. Ah yes, the snowflake generation.
  8. All untaggers be like:
  9. Discord does not support sub-channels for voice, as in you cannot have a voice channel within a voice channel in a tree like manner. It would be very difficult to set it up the same way as Teamspeak. For that reason alone I would say TS is better suited for Olympus. At least for now. My Discord: Eased#6910
  10. FalseBit

    IM FREE!

  11. Both are fucking disgusting.
  12. Wait, what website am I on?
  13. I don't know what OP is going on about. Delusional. I literally just switched from there. Un-banning people is going to make asylum even more toxic than it currently is. It's an RDM festival with no admins. If you want to play there, feel free. After one hour of playing on Olympus it was already 10x better. If Asylum wants to be successful they literally need to start banning more people, not start unbanning.
  14. Best of luck! At least this guy is honest.
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