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  1. "dude ure bad" - misses whole clip on a person who's just running around him without a gun lol. or am i to baked and he actually said "u're gagged" cuz I thought I heard that and I laughed the shit outta myself lmao
  2. was about to same the say thing. 2 packs a day lets go babyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
  3. Now I see why PP is somewhat good out of sudden lol... jk
  4. hahahaahaha im dying ^ literally this. W Wake up in the morning, smoke a fatty one, have a nice breakfast, pound my bitches ass, I mean my girlfriends, and then roleplay on arma for the rest of the day, while smoking one after every meal and clappin people while baked as fuck lol xd.
  5. When you purchase, you're tier 1. Weapon you have is Po7. When you reach 15, you're tier 2. Weapon you can purchase then is Sting 9mm tazer. When you reach 30, you're tier 3. Weapon stays the same, but now you can purchase Vigilante vest. (Not Weak one). When you reach 75, you're tier 4. Weapon you can purchase then is Spar tazer. Now idk about how much % u get off of ur bounty, I know tier 4 is 90%, I think tier 3 is 70%, don't quote me on that, I got a vigi alt that i rarely use.
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    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Shades


      Need like four more. 

    3. xDRO


      44 minutes ago, ViteZ said:

      It's just to see how many people here would gather up to smoke, honestly I can't roll for shit I48xOg0.jpg this is what most of my joints look like lmao


    4. ViteZ


      Damn we can all link up and just smoke for days lul, make a lil lan party, play arma n bake lool

  7. Good to see there are people in this community that care,... didn't know the guy but Im glad you guys feel this way, RIP
  8. I hope so because the new one is terrible and the one before it was terrible, I liked the old one (East of OG) even tho' people would be annoying and snipe, it was somewhat good, but the last 2 ones are just meeh, no hate towards whoever designed it.
  9. Uhm sorry but I've been here for only like 6 months and have no idea where the original rebel you guys are talking about, can someone give me a map screenshot or something? I'm really curious, thanks.
  10. You're right, my bad.
  11. Fix me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure that somewhere you said that you can't get moonshine from salvaging/excavating, but you can still get it and I can't find where you said it in the changelog now.
  12. ViteZ

    Region ban?

    https://olympus-entertainment.com/support/ Click "New request" and submit a ticket about it. @AmP
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