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Everything posted by Monks

  1. ion think alot of people want to sign that so lets just say 1 like on the post = 1 sign for the petition
  2. @thomaslorddd ig you won the trial by combat after all!

    1. thomaslorddd


      hahaha lol i locked onto the wrong people



  3. Monks


    Dude skateezy is actually jacked asf
  4. Monks


    yo wtf nate being nice to owen
  5. Monks


    Yes. The more people who do it means less people who make fun of me.
  6. Petition to make the 
    emote not give +1 rep

  7. The sheets monkey got a promotion?!?!?!?!? Congrats @Rossco

  8. Monks


    Thor did it firstttttt
  9. Why is the logo on the stats page red now? @Ryan

    1. Ryan


      Dont know, @Zahzi makes the changes to it. To my understanding it always has been lul

  10. #@TechBrokeTheEconemy
  11. Arma 4 wishlist: For the game to be so good that @Zahzi actually picks GOOD devs
  12. Monks


    I may have bullied you some, but i still felt bad sort of. o7
  13. Anyone wanna play among us we have 5 rn

  14. Those were some of the most horrific fights i have ever seen i didnt even know it was possible to miss that many shots. so when am i facing the winner?
  15. say anything else other than MW2 and you might be missing brain cells
  16. Omw to steal all of mcdonalds hashbrowns from @Venoooom

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Monks


      nah type 115 on top, but when i do you best believe ima be wearing sandals

    3. Venomm
    4. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup
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