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Everything posted by Monks

  1. RIP Moderator @Zahzi. You will be missed.

  2. Price check loving father

  3. @Zahzi grats on moderator m8. Eta on @Ryan getting mod?

  4. RnR Go-Karts for staff+ change this to all RnR right now
  5. @Panda :) is a freak but I think this @Kamikaze guy is truly the weirdest admin on olympus

  6. Thats offensive mason
    im just being nice 

    1. Masonn


      Just being truthful nobody found that event fun. Was complete aids and cop sided even when they got wiped they spawned fully geared With just a 2k drive. 

    2. Monks


      Yeah very true. I was talking out of my ass

  7. Ehh i did nothing but lose money but fun event. +1 would do it again 

  8. Alrighty Mr. @Zahzi go ahead and reveal that @Shabiki v2 here is really just you on an alt account trying to annoy us. Admit it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zahzi


      bro, are you retarded?

    3. Monks


      ohhhhhh got em

    4. Revise


      Just get shabiki on the mic on Friday and if you hear pots and pans slamming you know it’s zahzi 

  9. Lol guys look I'm famous hi mom
  10. Spam upvote this guy. Don't ask why, just do it.

  11. #GunhandForHeadAdmin

  12. @Mutiny is officially the B I G G E S T noob in olympus lmfao

    1. Mutiny


      This is a direct copy of my status updates. This updates means nothing everyone. We will all recognize that @Cale is the biggest noob today

  13. #coupsuwoop




    Jk I love you suwoop

  14. We have a problem here...
  15. Nope. I want multiple fast kills not spending 3 minutes fighting one guy in a huge arena. Also I would reccomend Frag Squad CQC. It's a lot more quick fights rather than flying all the way back to the cap point on koth. It also has a similar fighting style to oly with everyone using mk1s and type 115s. @Cowboy
  16. Yoooooo gratz @Secret Agent
    @GluxDesigns Hope you have a good retirement 🙂

  17. y everyone ban now

    1. Jerrod


      virgins paid $110 on cheats nd still got caught

    2. Billeh


      that’s why you make your own :kappa:

  18. In honor of the man who started it all... 
    Hoping to join the APD today!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Monks


      Not sure. Hope he did though.

    3. Mason Harrison
    4. Mike Lit

      Mike Lit

      I doubt that he ever joined the APD. The day he posted that was the last time he had ever opened the forums.


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