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Everything posted by Monks

  1. bcbdfe653bec17579a9c786142fc7088.jpg

    Streaming latr 2nite. Be there 🙂

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Monks


      Sheet Gary I already finished the stream. Would've did it if you showed up earlier 

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      "Streaming later tonight." Posted 4 hours ago

      Did you only stream for 6 minutes? =(

    4. Monks


      @Grandma Gary I streamed for like 2 hours lmao but I will probably stream again today so just be on the look out.

  2. +11111111111111111
  3. Happy Thanksgiving Mecca For Gamers.

  4. I dont mind shooting some children
  5. So i got a 2nd monitor and better specs now as well as fixed my internet problem hopefully. And to be honest the reason i stopped streaming originally is because i felt i wasn't putting out the quality content that i wanted to. But now i feel like it could be quite a bit better. Should I start streaming again?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. billdroid
    3. Linka


      if you’re going to do it, do it. don’t let other people make that decision for you- especially this shitty community. however, content creation, especially gaming is heavily saturated. so don’t expect to blow up fast, and just do it for fun and as a hobby at first

    4. Monks


      @Linka I appreciate the advice and to be honest thats why I started in the first place was just as a hobby for a while. But it actually got a lot bigger than I intended and was really fun, but it was difficult with my limited resources. I've talked with a few people now though and I do believe I will start again in a few days. Look out for it boys 👀

  6. If u put ur tree up before Thanksgiving your an uncultured swine
  7. Monks

    fix the game

    Yeah oly literally has a different playstyle then other servers purely because of the healing system. I kinda enjoy it though but I wouldn't be upset at a server specific healing system. Especially if it was cancelable.
  8. Bruh who deadass edited my birthdate to say 11/23/2010 🤣

    1. Linka


      this status update is the reason everyone believes it

    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Edited... yeah right ;D

      Guess we'll never know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    3. Venomm
  9. Monks

    fix the game

    If you just walk to your car without scrolling and press space it will prioritize getting in the car
  10. Who needs a deputy when you can have AI fly you around 😎

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Monks


      Successful landing ❤️

    3. Millennium


      last time that happened was in Crenshaw's armed huron. We had to ram it to stop it from flying others into redzones.

    4. Monks


      We almost went into meth pro but pro squad lead deputy made him avoid it.


    1. grooovy


      Thanks have no reactions left lol

  12. Tom McCormack described in 2 pictures:
  13. Petition to being back spongebob themed textures: 771733dfe9a0f2846291908bcca7abd1.jpg

    Yes I know this specific texture wasnt on oly but we had similar ones and they NEED to be brought back

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. monster


      spongebob uniform, or fucking riot

    3. Millennium


      only thing we had spongebob, was the shirt. +1

    4. Monks


      @Millennium really? Could've swore there was a hatchback, maybe I'm tripping 

  14. Too much for me gg u win
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