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Everything posted by Monks

  1. Wait people actually do runs?
  2. People literally depend on their singular houses for everything on the server and I dont understand why. Just buy another house and transfer ur shit lul
  3. Arma 2.0 update everyone!

    1. maxg


      Sorry sir, Box truck in roof was not fixed in change log

      dumbass arma devs 🙄


    2. Strae
    3. Jerrod


      Best time for the box truck to explode is when the cops are raiding the shed, keep it in

  4. Just make it so groups can hold caps, make the group name show up on the caps they have, and limit the players to the same amount gangs are allowed to have.
  5. Prediction: Everyone will be happy about combined servers until conq, then they will complain cause frames are bad
  6. Didn't get to attend conq s3 bc I'm sick but even if it was TERRIBLE which it doesn't seem like it was yall are hating on the devs wayyyy to much lol. In the words of jerrod, "God gave you apples, but you upset cuz u wanted oranges." Smh my head
  7. Monks

    AMD or Intel

    He do be speaking fax doe. But tbh after using an amd gpu for the past few months I'd say go Nvidia no matter what. That's probably pretty obvious tho

  9. So does this mean we will make as much money as we did in 2019???
  10. @Jig is a fire designer but was limited by a bad idea...
  11. I think he could get a staff Sergeant wl if he wanted but he chose to be active duty corp
  12. Everyone may be complaining about the armed planes and lethal injection and shit but since the update with experimental optimization and stuff my frames have been wayyy better. Good shit devs

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Monks


      @DeadPool imo definitely but apparently some people disagree lol

    3. DeadPool


      I mean when the player base goes away frames come back

    4. Monks


      ig. idk frames have been DOGSHIT for the past month because the vehicle despawn script was broken so vehicles literally did not despawn. So now that it is fixed and stuff the game feels like butter

  13. @Mudiwa is forums banned so he asked me to post this for him lmao


  14. Its official @Noahhh! has the highest false ban percentage out of any staff on the server ever before!

  15. Hbd QT @Cooper:P

    1. Cooper:P
    2. Skys


      Get away from cooper he is my son you ego bitch 

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