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Status Updates posted by Slav

  1. >House being raided by APD while I am inside

    >Ask to see their APD badges, they show them

    >I think they are fake, so I ask to see their guns, they show them.

    >I still don't let them in, they are scary and I don't trust them. Close the door and call 911 saying there are armed men at my door.

    >More police arrive and ask to see the ID of other police officers

    >They reach into their pocket to grab their ID and they get 4 warning shots to the chest


    R O L E P L A Y

  2. Here is an inspirational quote for you all.


    Can't ban me, video is not age restricted on youtube.


  3. For real though, when are we going to have someone blatantly spin botting in Gang Wars?

    1. Panda :)

      Panda :)

      Get somone to vouch me into a cheat and I will do it 🚫 🧢

  4. Staff when:


    Im just joking. Battleye can’t detect a man spinning around one tapping people 20KM out with a rook.

  5. Well, I think it’s time to put this meme here. My last one about the election, fun ride, but going to go back to making Olympus memes for you all..

    @Tech @i chop hatchbacks

    1. Tech


      Hate to see it

    2. milos inflated dev2 ego

      milos inflated dev2 ego

      trumps still got it in the bag 

  6. Say what you want about this election, but the memes about Nevada are on point. 

  7. Going to be interesting to see who wins, but there is one thought that came into my mind recently. For the people complaining about the tax rate when making over 400k per year, you do realize that the tax rate wouldn’t need to be that high if people stopped offshoring their money, right? If anything, be mad at the people avoiding taxes while you sit there making up for it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Slav


      Since when is middle income $400k a year?

      And you’re missing my point. If people actually paid their taxes at the current rate then Biden wouldn’t need to increase the tax rates to fund the government programs he wants to fund. It’s difficult to track offshore money and often leads to the government spending more than what they receive in the end, which is why it’s inefficient to find tax evaders compared to young the tax rate. Increasing the tax rate is bad and essentially punishes the people obeying the law, but you’re getting angry at the government when it could be avoided by those very companies that offshore their money.


      And I’m kinda tired of the idea of “companies leaving” if they have increased tax rates. Like you said, they can achieve tax reductions. And you would not believe how many companies I heard say that but stay behind anyways. Even with an increased tax rate (which is not 52% by the way, that’s only on personal income, not businesses) they would be better off in the U.S. than fucking off to another country, funding new infrastructure, new employees, new specialists, and getting acquainted with the matter of employment law, etc.

    3. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      trickle down aka piss down my neck economics have not, will not, and will never work

    4. Slav


      @Mr GOAT agreed. And Biden isn’t proposing trickle down economics. Trickle down economics is the proposition of “taxes on businesses and the wealthy in society should be reduced as a means to stimulate business investment”.

      This has been displayed time and time again, businesses will take whatever they can. For example, many banks received a bailout, however, kept charging people who lost their job due to covid. Many people were advocating for the idea that since banks received a bailout that they should halt the payments on loans. Now people can disagree or agree with that idea, I don’t really care. I’m just using that situation to illustrate how trickledown economics always fails.

  8. I’m just posting this before there are butthurt Americans.


    No matter who wins, Orange man or pedo Joe, there’s going to be lots of angry people. I’ll find bliss in that moment.

  9. People say that you are what you eat. Well, I guess that means cannibals are normal human beings.

  10. @Noahhh! Tried joining Noble discord again. Unban me or I’ll meme you.

    Also, to avoid getting banned from Noble discord do not talk about the 40 man BW defeat they had.


    1. Monks


      which 40 man bw loss are you talking about?

    2. Noahhh!


      Message me on Discord and I gotchyou.

    3. Noahhh!


      @Monks Shut up and go fly a hummingbird around or something. Kappa

  11. I wonder who this is...


  12. All my homies love @ThatNerdyGuy


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      When Nerdy finally gets a kill on wave 6 


    3. Monks


      Tbh the gawk gawk didn't even work. I didn't get corp till I kinda just stfu for 2 weeks

    4. ThatNerdyGuy


      @ooooooooo is right, by about the 6th wave I usually scream "I got one!" Like Luke Skywalker in the first Star Wars movie when they are getting chased away from the Death Star.

  13. w57B6Kd.jpg

    1. Jerrod


      They are the true ones that keep kavala in line. Kav ratting without 3+ to outnumber the vigi zerg is IMPOSSIBLE

    2. Hunter


      joining CTF just mean's you got more competition for vigi arrests smh

  14. I know some of you lads play league, so I thought, hey, why not show a memetage I made two years ago.

    My editing is better now, but I mostly have unfinished projects I have done throughout the years. Wondering if I should make an Olympus one sometime in the future... 

    1. Monks


      idk seems pretty balanced to me

  15. Devs be gone.

    No more new content.

    Server be dead.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tech


      nah we arent leaving that was a joke

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary


      For shame

    4. Monks


      Wait you mean @Zahzi ISN'T LEAVING??? Well fuck i was getting ready to throw a going away party...

  16. Hear me out, instead of banning people we should do this.


  17. @Noahhh! let me back into the discord


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Noahhh!


      Just use the invite links posted on our recruitment page.

    3. Monks


      @Noahhh! no i will NOT do that. I need a personalized invite.

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